Hello to all from Central Calif. I have researched alot of your posts from the past and decided maybe I can add a few things in the future. I currently have a 95 Aerbus 32 foot gas model, and have a manly notion that a diesel pusher is the way to go.? The model I have in mind ( as well as my pocketbook!) is a 2001 Winnebago Journey 36 DL. It has a 330 Cat / 6 speed Allison drivetrain.? One question ( the first of many!) is the towing capacity.? I have a 28 foot Mariah boat on a triple axle trailer that weighs about 5800.? Will that motor be sufficient?? How about the length of both?? The boat is 33 feet from the back to the tongue...add the 36 foot coach and I may need a caboose engineer in the back....Any thoughts or other Journey owners comments will be much appreciated.? Thank you and all have a safe Journey!? Greg