Route Oregon 26 or 20

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Active member
Jan 22, 2011
We?re heading east from Sisters,Oregon to McCall, ID.  Both are just about the same mileage.  The 26 is a little longer by 30 minutes so not really an issue.  But I?ve heard the 26 is hillier and twisy possibly even longer in an RV, unsure.  Anyone have experience on either? 
if you like sage brush 20 is your choice.
26 is a little hillier and twisty but much more scenic. i have taken both several times in my 40 footer towing with out a problem
Take 26.  You can stop by the John Day fossil beds and in John Day stop at the CanWhaChang historic pharmacy.  If your not in a hurry 26 has lots of scenery.
26 is a prettier drive, but 20 is the faster route, probably by a couple of hours or more. Time difference may be much less in a car, but in an RV quite a bit longer IMO.  I have driven them both over the last 5 years. 
I've taken the 26 route twice in the last year - there is great scenery and you go by the painted hills.  We have a 38' Class A and have had no problem. Of course we were in no hurry..... 

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