Run my 120 ac air conditioner off a power converter while driving.

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Generally inverters offer a continuous and peak or surge rating. Losses would be made up on the input side. Careful spec'ing your alternator, those are rated at running RPM, nominal 3K engine/5K rotor. It drops a lot at lower RPM so that's a consideration as to what happens as you drive around. Will the inverter handle it's input supply changing? Will the A/C tolerate getting cycled on and off? Mitigation via a battery as a buffer? You have some homework to work out your boundary conditions.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
As well my rig is 30 years old and the converter probably won't produce high enough wattage for lithium batteries to charge fully.
Another item you haven't mentioned is how much HP from your engine that 200 amp alternator is going to consume? You may have a problem going up hills if your alternator is using 1/4 of your available HP. I think a 200 amp alternator with require more HP that the cabin A/C compressor.
Yeah, hills are a problem already, never thought of it that way.
My cockpit air conditioner in my old chevy B class is shot and will take a lot of time and parts to fix. Can I run my 11,000 btu 120v ac roof top air conditioner off a power inverter while driving? I think the amps required are about the same.
You guys are great, thanks for all the information. I think my options are mount a powerful enough generator to the back bumper and put a soft start on the air conditioner. Or, build a lithium ion battery pack, change my charger to charge them, put in an inverter and soft start. I could leave the old system in place to run my furnace and interior lights and just run the a/c off the lithium.
As well my rig is 30 years old and the converter probably won't produce high enough wattage for lithium batteries to charge fully.

It is the voltage that matters not the watts. If your converter functions at all it will charge the batteries but unless it is a multistage charger it isnt the most efficient. With decent lithiums that probably doesnt matter much
There will be lots of weight out beyond the rear axle/rear bumper for a 30 year old vehicle. Be sure the rear suspension is up for the task.

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