i am sure this topic exist already i just cant seem to find it so please forgive me for the repeat post. i own a 1986 emc encore class A. last night while cooking on an electric skillet the rear bedroom interior lights began to flicker. they have been doing this for several weeks i wasnt sure the reason y it was doing this, anyway i tapped on the bulb and it turned of along with the other 3 lights in the area. i checked the breaker turned all the switches off than back on no luck i reset the outlet switch back there as well no luck. i decided i would look into it this weekend well while i was at work my girlfriend informed that now ALL the interior lights are not working except the stove hood/light and the bathroom light i am relatively new to RVing and have no idea where to begin investigating this issue any help would be greatly greatly appreciated AND THANK YOU ALL FOR ANY HELP IN ADVANCE!
i am sure this topic exist already i just cant seem to find it so please forgive me for the repeat post. i own a 1986 emc encore class A. last night while cooking on an electric skillet the rear bedroom interior lights began to flicker. they have been doing this for several weeks i wasnt sure the reason y it was doing this, anyway i tapped on the bulb and it turned of along with the other 3 lights in the area. i checked the breaker turned all the switches off than back on no luck i reset the outlet switch back there as well no luck. i decided i would look into it this weekend well while i was at work my girlfriend informed that now ALL the interior lights are not working except the stove hood/light and the bathroom light i am relatively new to RVing and have no idea where to begin investigating this issue any help would be greatly greatly appreciated AND THANK YOU ALL FOR ANY HELP IN ADVANCE!