RV Parking Bans

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
To help Forum members remain up to date on localities that ban RV parking, please post notices of RV parking bans as a reply to this message thread.
August 4, 2005

The city of Coronado, California near San Diego,  plans to install signs at its two entrances off I 75, so police officers can begin enforcing municipal codes restricting residential street parking for recreational vehicles.

The council is expected to consider toughening Coronado's RV parking codes, which have exemptions for residents, such as those who use their RVs daily.

Council members also want to change the parking codes to permit RVs that violate the rules to be towed. The council also hopes to increase the fine, which is $18, and expand the restrictions to commercial areas.

The city of Indianapolis recently tried to ban offroad parking of RV's in our driveways, we appeared before the city council and deveated it.

Contra Costa County, CA has just notified residents that they've "updated the language in Ordinance #....... to specifically prohibit vessels and vessel trailers of any type that are not screened from view from the public roadway. This means that vessels, along with recreational vehicles, travel trailers or trailers of any type must be kept in the garage, moved to a side yard behind a screened fence that screens a minimum of 90% ...., or stored at an off site facility".

This appears to override both the posted 3 hour parking for RVs and trailers and the 72 hours waiver for on-street parking of RVs in Discovery Bay, a waterfront community who's slogan is "Live where you play"..

The county also states that "County code enforcement is actively pursuing .... violations". i.e. the Sheriff is actively ticketing.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend last evening's town hall meeting called to try to get the county to follow existing privileges.
Tom said:
Contra Costa County, CA has just notified residents that they've "updated the language in Ordinance #....... to specifically prohibit vessels and vessel trailers of any type that are not screened from view from the public roadway.


That is similar to the ordinance in Salt Lake City.  No problem in the rear yard but must screen it if parked in a side yard.

Screened 90%?? Our motorhome is in the backyard, behind a 6' fence that sits on top of a 3'high retaining wall and you can still see more than 10% of the RV from the street!!! Glad I live in a small town that doesn't care.
wendycoke said:
Glad I live in a small town that doesn't care.

LOL Wendy, our town way out in the boonies doesn't even have any officers or employees, not even a single police officer. I'm glad we have a homeowners association that cares enough to have defiined some CC&Rs so folks don't turn it into trash town.

The new RV & boat/trailer parking code enforcement is a county issue. Because we don't live within the incorporated area of a "normal" town, the county gets to impose their rules.
Don't know if any of you remember, but there was a bill in Nevada to eliminate RV parking on/in city and county streets and parks. Of course it was sponsored by an ad hoc RV park association. Recently read (few weeks ago) that it was tabled indefinitely, essentially killing it. The article mentioned the tremendous response from RV owners which almost certainly convinced the legislators that it was a bad idea.
Enforcement didn't take long. 3 weeks after the county notified residents they'd "updated the language in Ordinance #......." (the day before we left on this trip), I received this in an email from my friend and neighbor:

"The bad news is that you got a warning ticket on your bass tracker trailer. I was in your garage with the door open and the county enforcement guy walked up and handed me a notice. It gives you 10 days to fix the problem."

The trailer in question is for my fishing boat. The boat isn't kept on the trailer, so it's almost inconspicuous in the unfenced side yard alongside the garage, especially since one of the cars is between the side yard and the street. I could put up an ugly fence to bring myself into compliance, but I probably won't do that and I'll move the trailer to a storage lot. Hopefully the lots won't all fill up with due to the new code enforcement before we get home  :(
Speaking of parking bans.  The city passed an ordinance a some time ago against parking and staying in an RV anywhere but a licensed campground.  When we were in Billings a couple weeks ago a store clerk mentioned that this was not a popular ordinance and that it was enforced because of a campground owners Assoc and a RV owners assoc.  Guess who was named as the RV Owners association. Hint the first letter is A.
It was the ARVC.  Read all about them at http://www.arvc.org/  They are NOT on our side.
I don't believe they are part of the Affinity Group but they do have close ties.
According to what I was told Affinity was one of the two major players to get this enforced.  I just can't believe Affinity Group or any of their subsidiaries are really RVer's Friends. 
I sent an email to ARVC board members (listed on their  site) regarding the banner on their website about their media kit to use for local action on ordinances "if they were victims of free overnight parking" trying to suggest they were irritating customers who only occasionally use Wal-Mart, etc and that the rest were not customers anyway.

What a waste of time! Most replies were using the excuse that it was a public health hazard.


>>about their media kit to use for local action on ordinances <<

Has anyone seen or obtained a copy of this kit??

It should be interesting and based on the meeting I watched of the Nevada hearing a lot of lies were told as well as half truths.  Such things ar the RV Parks had good fire control in the case of an RV fire to mention one.  How about a minimum of 20 feet between RVs.  There were more too.

Ron said:
Yep and part of the Affinity Group.? Your GS dues at work.

If you have more on the alleged link between GS and parking bans I'd like to see it, I checked the ARVC web site mentioned in another post in this thread and no mention of GS

I was (up to now) about to respond to a GS mailing... I'll wait I think
James Godward said:

>>about their media kit to use for local action on ordinances <<

Has anyone seen or obtained a copy of this kit??

It should be interesting and based on the meeting I watched of the Nevada hearing a lot of lies were told as well as half truths. Such things ar the RV Parks had good fire control in the case of an RV fire to mention one. How about a minimum of 20 feet between RVs. There were more too.


No I haven't. It is mentioned on their website for members.

John In Detroit said:
If you have more on the alleged link between GS and parking bans I'd like to see it, I checked the ARVC web site mentioned in another post in this thread and no mention of GS

I was (up to now) about to respond to a GS mailing... I'll wait I think


The membership lists looks like a lot of KOA parks, who do not honor GS. I think this is a campground association, not linked to Affinity. Look for yourself:? ARVC.ORG
I think this excerpt from the ARVC website says it all. Pay particular attention to the last parragraph.

About ARVC
Over 3,700 private RV Parks and Campgrounds across the country depend on the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) to bring value-added services to their businesses every day. ARVC membership provides:

Group purchasing power on a wide array of products and services;

National public relations and promotional services designed to increase camper days at ARVC parks across the country;

Advocacy representation on an array of issues in state and national policy circles;

Hands-on business management services, including extensive educational offerings, numerous industry publications, and marketing and advertising opportunities.

ARVC is the only national association exclusively representing the interests of all commercial RV Parks and Campgrounds in the United States. Membership includes RV parks and campgrounds, cabin and lodge resorts, membership campgrounds and resorts, industry suppliers and park developers.

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