RV Parking/Storage in Southwest Orlando?

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Dec 23, 2012
Orlando, FL
Hi everyone,
Sorry if it seems like I'm blowing up the message boards, but I'm new to all of this.
I just found out that I can't park my motorhome where I live. Any suggestions on an inexpensive place to park a 29' in the SW Orlando area? I am right outside of Hunters Creek, off of OBT. Kissimmee is only a few miles from me as well. I found a few places North of Orlando, but the traffic is always terrible and it's at least a 45 minute drive without traffic. Any suggestions would be appreciated...
We use Lighthouse Storage on US27 just off I4 in Davenport. It is not cheap, but covered storage and decent security was important to me. Many self storage facilities have lots for rv and other vehicle storage (outdoors). You might be best served by doing a Google search like this one https://www.google.com/search?q=Kissimmee+rv+storag&aq=f&oq=Kissimmee+rv+storag&aqs=chrome.0.57j0l3j62l2.16693&sugexp=chrome,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 or by zip code. This time of year storage space is hard to find in this area (at least for us it was), so you may have to take what is available and move to another, more desirable location, when many rvs leave Florida for cooler weather.
They have outside storage at the KOA off I-4 & 27. Something you could use for short term until you find something better!

Scott  :)
I got a pretty good deal at Cubesmart near the airport. However, the space is not paved. I would assume it's not recommended to park anything long-term on grass. I put it there for now and will keep looking. Thanks for the advice.
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