RV shop question (newbie Here)

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Hendersonville, TN
I have my class A at a very reputable shop in Middle TN based on online reviews. This is my first RV. Getting a new stereo and other maintenance things taken care of. Nothing major at this point. Their say their usual turnaround time is 1 week. My coach has been there 3 weeks and they have communicated that they are backed up and apologize. But still nothing done.

I don't want to be a pain and we don't have tripped planned until Mid Dec. Is this a typically a busy time of year because winter is here?
It is typically busy at the start and end of the normal camping season (Mother's day to .. depending on where you live halloween or Thanksgiving or start of school year) Due to winterization/de-winterization calls.. Though why anyone would pay for that I don't know.. very easy to do.
This is the reason I never take an RV into a dealership. I always have a mobile mechanic come to me. They are cheaper and can't hold your RV ransom.
Aww makes sense I will look for a local mobile mechanic in the future. I usually am a do it yourself-er, however we sold everything in CA. Moved to TN in September and are living in a 1000 sq foot condo, coming from 5 acres, a 1500 sq ft shop and selling everything to move across the US was very freeing but I must say I miss being able to work on my stuff.
We are making the necessary adjustment to travel more and look for a home to call permanent....just not sure where yet. Florida is high on our list.
In the meantime this is one of the challenges of a downsize!
I'm afraid what you are experiencing is typical, especially any time during the camping season.  RV service is a seasonal business and shops get overwhelmed during the busy times and then (in most regions) have to lay off staff during the off-season. That means they staff and build facilities well short of peak demands.  Further, the standards of shop management and service quality & timeliness  are dismally low, even though prices are high.

I suggest staying in close contact with the shop, inquiring the status every few days. The squeaky wheel generally does get more attention.
That makes sense, busy time of year, lack of good labor in a seasonal business.
They actually called me today. Great communication work is almost done and will be ready 1st of next week. Also they found a ground issue I had trouble diagnosing. I can fix most things but electrical stuff always gives me fit.
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