Rv won't start

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New member
Feb 4, 2013
I have a 97 newmar mountain aire. It is gas on the ford chassis. It's been sitting about a year and is not starting. I pulled the fuel line at the filter off and when I turn the key on its not squirting fuel. I've checked fuses and relays.... Is there anything to check other than dropping the tank and digging the fuel pump out?
Sounds like the pump is stuck in a sweet spot. When you turn the key to Acc and dont crank the engine can you hear the pump kick on for a couple seconds and then off? If not I would try this. With someone in the drivers seat and you under the rig with a rubber mallet have the helper turn key to Acc as you thump the fuel tank with the mallet. This could dislodge the stickness in the pump. keep in mind that the pump will only run for a couple seconds and then shuts off until the engine starts. EFI systems should be started every couple months at the least and you should always park it with a full tank of fuel when leaving it sit any exteneded period of time..
I would recommend a fuel stabilizer + full tank if parking for more than a couple of months.  I've been using seafoam as a fuel stabilizer for about a decade, mostly when we lived in Ohio.. and my lawn equipment would always start fine in the spring after 4 months of sitting with the same fuel.  Motorcycles the same (both fuel injected).
Not sure if '97 has an emergency fuel shutoff relay. If so there should be a reset switch somewhere. In cars and trucks its near the passenger side foot kick panel.
Thanks... I've added the fuel stabilizer..... I added heet and sea foam lol. Also the emergency shut off I've been searching for but not where manual says it is! I like the rubber mallet idea... I get an excuse to beat the hell outa this thing now:)
So I'm getting 8v at the fuel pump and ford says I have to have 12 there. I have 12v on battery and on dash.... Any clues anyone?
Ijn 99 ford was using fuel cut off's on cars, do not know about large vehicles but they did have them on cars then.  I know they had them in the early 90's.

And this is GM, not ford. but on my last GM car, the fuel pump did not come on with the ignition, there were two switches that fired it up, one was the starter circuit, this was SUPPOSED to closer a relay that started the fuel pump, the other was the oil pressure switch, no gas unless you had oil.  Just turning the key on did not grant fuel.
you could look for the fuel pump relay, this is what starts the pump and shuts the pump off after a few seconds, typically the pump is kept on through a oil pressure switch on the engine. A auto parts store should have them and they are cheap plug in relays and are usually under the hood up high and easy to change.
You can also check the voltage at the socket of the fuel pump relay,or simply jump out the socket of the relay and see if the pump runs, if it do, then buy a new relay. The relay starts the pump when the ignition is turned on to prime the fuel rail with out cranking, once started the oil pressure present switch makes and keeps the pump running,  pulling relay in and out a few times could clean a dirty relay socket connection!
On older vehicles you need to test voltages under load.. This is what killed my old towed, so many connections got poor that there was no longer enough voltage under load to run some important stuff.
John From Detroit said:
Ijn 99 ford was using fuel cut off's on cars, do not know about large vehicles but they did have them on cars then.  I know they had them in the early 90's.

And this is GM, not ford. but on my last GM car, the fuel pump did not come on with the ignition, there were two switches that fired it up, one was the starter circuit, this was SUPPOSED to closer a relay that started the fuel pump, the other was the oil pressure switch, no gas unless you had oil.  Just turning the key on did not grant fuel.
He's working on a Ford chassis. I've had a lot of GMs and the fuel pump relay is fired from the ignition switch for a few seconds and then drops out untill oil pressure is achieved. Not sure how Ford does it but I'd think the same way. If your only getting 8 volts, I'd bet it's the relay contacts burned. Have you checked to see if there is any fuel pressure on the rail? You should see 12 volts at the pump for just a bit when the key is turned on. You will need some help to determine this.
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