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Betty Brewer

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 10, 2005
I had the best day! Our Sunday Jeeping group declared it was Ladies Day so I drove our Jeep on the desert trails near Yuma AZ for the first time ever! ( Well I do drive to Fry's) I had coaching (mostly welcomed) from my navigator Terry all day. He said he was never scared. We drove out on very easy trails to Ferguson Lake and saw lots of wild donkeys. After lunch I learned about 4 high and 4 low gears as the hills and gullies and washes got a bit more tricky!  I learned to avoid scratchy bushes on the right and left even if I have to go over a rock! We only lost one reindeer antler and only temporarily. I learned to keep the window up when going through scratchy bushes! I learned how to keep my distance from the rig in front unless I want to see how they took the line on a tough spot. I did some tippy trail parts. Boy am I exhausted tonight. I see 2 Jeeps in our future! NOT!

I'm here to tell you Barb Wiemart and Liza Down were  among the fearless new  4 wheel drivers today!  We did so well!  No wonder the guys like this.  But I have much to learn and much more confidence to gain.  What a deal!
Great report Betty, thanks. Anyone take photos?
This  photo is on  BLM land near Yuma AZ.  The wild burrows are pretty tame but the  landscape  the girls are about to drive is not.  Sorry no  terrain photos.  I was too busy  driving!


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Nice to see Jim, Terry, Frank and Pat in the last photo.  And Barb Weimart ... you are looking FANTASTIC!!!!

Thanks Betty. Do I spot Pat Dick in photo #1593 ?
Tom said:
Thanks Betty. Do I spot Pat Dick in photo #1593 ?

Yep and Jim is in corner of shot too.  It is so much fun to have RVForum friends spend time in Yuma.  It is like a winter long rally!
Well dang, I didn't scroll to the right, so I missed Jim. They both look great!
Nice photos and it looks like fun, but it reminds me how long its been since we have seen some Framily members. We don't get around so much anymore...

And Barb really is looking hale and healthy - way to go!
Well thanks guys. I'm feeling pretty good. That off road driving business is pretty tiring though. But it's great, and worth the fun with have with framily.

After telling Jim and Pat, that I've driven less than 10 times in the last four years, they got in the Jeep with me anyway. Pat was my navigator, and Jim was the Photographer. And Frank got to relax and enjoy the scenery for a change. And long with driving, I learned quite a bit, especially where the sway bar button is located.

So Kudos to Pat and Jim for their great sportsmanship, and the great job they did. And the wonderful memories we have made.

Great job girls. We really did rock. So I guess it's true. Girls really do just wanna have fun too...........
Thanks for posting up the pictures and your "field report" Betty.  Sounds like you guys are having a riot. 

Us working stiffs are looking forward to seeing everyone in May at the Moab Rally.

Most excellent!  Jane got to drive for about an hour at the last Palo Duro Jeep Jamboree and did great - there was a fairly steep climb and a little rock crawling involved, so it was 4-low territory.  I asked her if she want to drive more, but that was enough at that moment.

We've wheeled with some very accomplished lady drivers, it's always fun to see the ladies behind the wheel.

Looking forward to catching up with some of you guys at Moab!
So glad to see some of you other girls joining in the fun!  Now you can buy the same tee shirts Sam/Donna and I bought in Moab - Four Wheeling IS Women's Work!

We had a great time!  I'm not sure which was scarier, driving or being stampeded by the donkeys!
Here are a few pictures


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