safe to expect an available space near Winslow, AZ in early April?

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2013
My wife and I are renting an RV for a long weekend trip in early April between So Cal and Winslow, AZ to try it out and see if we like it as much as we hope we will.

The first night, we have reservations at a KOA near the CA/AZ border.

The second night, there is an RV site in/near the Homolovi State Park near Winslow that we think we'll stop at.

We'll likely get there late(ish) in the day, as there are several points we'd like to stop at between the two.

Since they don't take reservations, is it safe to assume they will have a spot for us, or should we assume they will fill up before we arrive? We'll have contact info for extra parks either way, but this will alter our plans for the day.
Please give us a report on Homolovi State Park as it is new with RV sites in the AZ State Park System. I hope to be there later this summer.
We love Homolovi, very close to Winslow and don't miss breakfast at La Posada!  We have made it a point to stop over there several times.  Homolovi Ruins state park very clean, great views, quiet and everything works well.  Watch for the bumps going in and turn left before you get to the visitors center to go to the campground.

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