Safety Cables

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Nov 19, 2010
We just traded for an Itasca Suncruiser and found, as in past Winnebago products we owned, that a drop hitch extension is necessary to put the tow bar more level with the toad.  Unfortunately, this makes my approx 6-ft. safety cables almost taut and I understand enough slack must be in the cables for the motorhome to make sharp turns.  As I understand, I need to replace the safety cables with longer ones (and I haven't found any such cables longer than what I have) or add a 12-inch extension to each cable (Roadmaster has one such extension, part # 910648-12). 

I'd be interested in hearing others' experiences which, at least for Winnebago, this seems to be a common problem.  Need I be concerned with a safety cable that has very little slack?  How have you solved the dilemma?
Best way to know for sure is to place the towed car in the "jack knife" max turn position and see if the cables still reach. Much depends on where the attachment points are on both coach and toad. so very hard to predict without seeing the geometry of your hook-up. I used the 12" extension on a previous coach.
If you are worried you can do this..

get some chain, good old log chain heavy enough to do the job..

This connects, ideally, to a non-hitch frame part but he rings on the hitch are good enough.

Have proper rings on teh end of those short chains.. (Joiner links may do here( if the links in the chain are too small, if the links are large enough skip this.
one link from the end .....

You know what a U-bolt clamp is right, U-bolt flat piece of metal with 2 holes, the end of the U goes through the holes and you add nuts,,, Well there is a  "D" bolt clamp, same thing only the bottom of the "U" has square corners like this |-| if the codeing works.   

Put the ends of the bolt through the 2nd link and put the D bolt around the drop receiver receiver.

instant cable extenders.
I'm thinking new Grade 70 transport chain my avoid delays on your holiday if pulled over and quality hardware to attach such as Grade 8 bolts.
By the way... Many often ask if those cables will hold....

I used to tow a 4,000 pound (Curb weight Chevy Lumina APV with a bunch of stuff stored in it... When the pin came out of the receiver (a real rube goldberg series of things if what I think happened. I'm sure it was not some snot nose brat pulling the pin as well... No chance that could have happened I had personally inspected the hitch no kids for as far as the eye coudl see not 2 miles back)

They held.
If your safety cables follow your tow bar and are hooked close to the receiver, then chances are more length will probably not be needed because they will be next to the pivot point.

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