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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
After getting the kids to bed the wind really began to gust: I went out on the porch to check on the coach and saw all ropes had broken
loose from the cover. Wonderful.... Now what to do? Did I want to chase it down the street, It is an old cover but still, I think
still does the job. It is half on and half off and very heavy, rain soaked. My wife and I just got in from wrapping it with cloths line, will it be there in the morning? 

P.S. we had a great week end, the kids tricked or treated at the campground.
Well the cover made it :) we are here in NE Ohio and the wind is still howling. @ 5:15am I went out to survey the situation, up the ladder
I went, everything good.... vent covers are intact and no limbs have come down. Next I looked in the coach, dry.... The cover is now hanging
on the drivers side. My rope job held!
In the light of day only one thing matteres, my family is safe. I hope yours is to.... our thoughts are with the ones still in harms way and
also the families that have lost loved ones.
God Bless

Dan and family

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