satellite dish

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2009
Pembroke Pines, Fl
Hi All:  We have changed our home tv's to direct tv.  Want to take our HD Recievers with us when we leave for Montana for the summer.  I would like so information on the type of satellite dish to either put on the motor home's roof or the portable ones to try and avoid the trees in campgrounds.

Thanks in advance

We previously had a Winegard dome for our DirecTV on the other coach and had a Winegard Trav'ler installed on the new coach with the HD DVR receiver. It has performed flawlessly, easy to setup, but you still have to duck the trees.

We also learned from another Forum-ite to order the RF remote instead of using the IR remote and can operate the outside TV and manipulate the inside HD receiver just fine. Handiest gizmo ever! Another feature we have enjoyed is using the web site to schedule our recordings, especially if we forgot something and are away from the coach.  8)

We use the East Coast feed and have had no issues with that service either.

Also thought about having a portable dish, just in case, but so far, we have not had a problem, but then we are typically in commercial campgrounds and don't get into heavily forested state and national parks.

Could not be happier with our service and equipment!
If you want HD in the RV, the current best choice is the Winegard Trav'ler automatic antenna.  Although a bit pricey, it's one button push to point it.  Aiming a manual mount antenna for HD can be done, but does take some practice.
Just finished installing and setting up the winegard SK-3005 for DirecTV HD reception to support two HD dvrs. Have applied for DNS to use when traveling. Process  and arrangement is a little more effort than Dish but should work,out well.
Go to one of the online retailers and order a stand alone dish and tripod.  Then either wire your RV for two wires to each TV location or get the necessary equipment to run a SWM system.  I choose to use 4 wires as cost effective.  The problem with a roof top antenna is there will be many places it wont work due to obstructions.
We had the SK3005 Winegard Traveler installed about 3 years ago and it works well. So far there have only been a few times that it was blocked by trees. Mostly back east where there are a lot of trees. I do ask for a site that will get satellite.

One thing to note, the SK3005 is not SWM compliant as it stands. If you have a H25 or H35 receiver it won't work with them but you can buy a Winegard SWM8 and wire it in so the dish will work.
The H24 series will work with both SWM and non-SWM dishes.
My IR remote is labeled RC64 in upper left corner.
My RF/IR remote is labeled RC64R and has a FCC label/sticker on the back.

Mine are models RC65 and RC65RBX, the latter being the RF remote. The dead give away, as noted, is the FCC ID label on the back, required for that type of device.

They are identical in appearance and function otherwise.
Wow, if that's the case I may already have one!  I have a new one in a drawer that I have never used.  I pulled it out of the package and it has an FCC label on the back.......
We have used our home Directv HD DVR for a season. We chose to go with the manual dish (about $50.00) and a tripod. The setup is about 30 minutes, however, it does as Ned stated take pratice. Some things that help is a App for a iphone from directv that used the camera to show the 5 satellites and also the numbers. This makes the initial setup straight forward. Then a Directv setup meter makes it simple the meters go from about a hundred bucks to eight hundred. The dish is a SWM meaning  Single Wire Multi-switch. The cable must be RG6 and nithing can be on the cable except the DH receivers. I rewired the RV so as not have a concern as to how the factory did the wiring. All in all it works for me. Keeping in mind we spend far more time parked than traveling. On the road I seldom set up the dish for less than three days. Never for over night stops. The auto dish is the choice for travelers.

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