Satellite Internet - Where Is/Are the Sats ?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Hi Guys

I had given up on the idea of buying Direcway (Hughes Net) in the UK, as the monthly fees alone are $180 - and thats for limited use.

I was wondering exactly where the Satellites are - and whether they could be "picked up" from the UK ?

Perhaps then I could sign up in the US at $60/month but use in the UK.

Or is the technology going to be different ?

The footprints of the HughesNet satellites used in the US don't cover the UK.  There may be other providers in the UK besides HughesNet.
Thanks Ned

Very quickly put that idea to bed. LOL


PS Unfortunately, there arent any other "reliable" satellite providers in the UK - even Hughes Net gets a fair amount of stick.

One link for Sat Internet Providers is here :-

You can forget the "one way" guys on that list; That would be download only and you'd need a phone line for uploads. Some of those two-way prices are .... phew! Maybe you should get some buddies to chip in and launch your own satellite.
Here's a response provided by forum member bajadudes:

Check this site out, very informative and lots of advice/help for those seeking satellite internet outside the USA. Drill down to the  forums and jump in. satsig
Thanks Tom

Im already on that one.

One supplier has kindly offered to sell me a ?5,000 (!!) a month service, which I can sell on to others, bringing the price down to ?50-?70 each per month.

I dont think I will bother, but I am still investigating the WiFi, WLAN etc options.

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