Screened dining fly and cats?

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Unfortunately we are headed west to see friends in Palm Desert area.

How's the road to the Desert Bar? Passenger cars go out there?
If you feel comfortable driving washboard and rocky roads, yes a passenger car can make it going slow. A truck or SUV is better though.
If you feel comfortable driving washboard and rocky roads, yes a passenger car can make it going slow. A truck or SUV is better though.
Rental car, and we're from Alaska, so do the math. We will definitely head out there and check it out.
Is there a happy hour tomorrow? We are still in CA now but might try to make it tomorrow if folks are still around.
Desert Bar is only open weekends, October to April IIRC. Cash only. We do plan on a Happy Hour tomorrow beginning around 4:00. Campground fees are only needed if you stay overnight, so just drive right past the contact station.
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