SeaTech plumbing fittings: easy, but do they stay on?

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
Payson AZ
I need to put an end cap on a 1/2" PEX city water tube.  The easiest brand of fitting to use seems to be by SeaTech.  Has anybody used these snap-on fittings?  Results?  I keep water pressure relatively low.

Here's a YouTube demo of SeaTech fittings.

I haven't used that particular brand but I have used Shark Bite brand that Home Depot sells for lots of things and never had a problem. The Shark Bite looks like a little better quality but I could be wrong.  You just need to make sure you make a square and  clean cut.
I've used many Sea Tech/Watts fittings both in my RV's and my home cottage. Properly installed, I've never had one fail at pressures up to 60 PSI. I keep a few fittings in my spares kit in the coach for emergencies, including a couple of inline valves that can serve as end caps, connectors, and of course shut offs.
Shark Bite is the brand of the tube cutter I ordered.  Didn't know they have fittings.

Glad to hear that SeaTech works well.  The place sending it,, is incredibly efficient.  Few dollars for the fitting and a buck-something for first class mail.  They shipped it immediately.  Got three emails about the order, keeping up to date. 

With the Shark Bite cutter, and a great YouTube video explaining how to prep the tube, I think I'll have a safe cap. 
These fittings look like the ones by Whale.  I have used Whale fittings for more than 15 years on my boats.  They hold  up well, are easy to work with, mine haven't leaked with up to 60PSI.  SeaTech may be a newer version / copy, but the system works well.
I received and used the end cap today.  It seems tight, but it didn't have the little spring feel that they show on the video.  In fact, the spring part was what made the piece removable.  Oh, well, I want it on there permanently, anyway.  Hope it doesn't leak.  I can't run water into it until about April.  I'm all winterized.
I recently picked up a SharkByte connector from ACE. They also have a handy device to mark the pipe so you know there is enuf pipe inserted into it.

I actually used it to replace a fitting in my townhouse that the installer failed to insert properly(too shallow), it became disconnected and caused water damage.

Interesting note on the ACE SharkByte package was that it's not to be used in California. Hummm.
I have used Shark Bite fittings extensively in CA. They are even rated for burial. All the home centers as well as the plumbing suppliers sell them here.
Glad to hear they are used in CA. I was just passing the message I read on the package.

I re-read the postings and nobody mentioned that SharkBytes are re-usable. They sell a small 'C' looking gadget that releases it from the pex. A lot of hose fittings are NOT re-useable. This is a great design.
We have the SeaTech fittings on all the water lines on our boat. They don't show it on their video, but ours have metal retaining clips that prevent the fitting from 'sliding' open. They were installed by the boat manufacturer, but I suspect the clips may have been a USCG requirement. The fittings are easily removed after removing the retaining clip.

They've been in place for 8 years, including some really rough water on the high seas, and I haven't had one fail. OTOH I've removed a couple and put them back on (re-used them) with no issues.
Tom:  I've downloaded the YouTube demo of the Sea Tech fittings, and toward the end they show some retaining clips.  Not sure if my simple end cap has such a clip.  I'm concerned because the piece I received doesn't have the spring action, but I think it'll stay on and won't leak. 

I have a Flair-It coming, in case the Sea Tech fails.  Also have the Flair-It video, but they showed a pretty strong looking guy cramming the fitting into a 1/2" tube, both pieces of which he held in his hand.  He still had to push hard.  My job is by a back wall under the kitchen cupboard, and I have maybe 4" of tube to hold onto without tearing out anything connected along the line. 

Oops, you're right about the video Pat, I should have watched to the very end. I don't believe there's a "spring action".

FWIW I dropped (lost) one of the retaining clips when I removed one of the fittings, and I merely made a "temporary" one using a wrap of some galvanized wire. That was several years sgo, and I forgot about it until this conversation  :-[
Pat said:
I have a Flair-It coming, in case the Sea Tech fails.  Also have the Flair-It video, but they showed a pretty strong looking guy cramming the fitting into a 1/2" tube, both pieces of which he held in his hand.  He still had to push hard.  My job is by a back wall under the kitchen cupboard, and I have maybe 4" of tube to hold onto without tearing out anything connected along the line. 

Wetting your finger and wiping the end of the tubing with it will make inserting the tubing into the fitting easier.
Tom:  My fitting is an end cap.  Think I should send out for a retaining clip?  It didn't come with one.  Seems pretty tight, but that doesn't mean the inside seal will hold water.  Won't know till April.  I've already winterized and don't want to undo.


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