seilerbird learning to ride a moped!

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Jan 13, 2005
If  you were paying attention, seilerbird recently changed his avatar and 'personal text' to refer to his new moped. Hopefully, we'll see photos of the new 'toad' with Tom "in flight".
Yep I got a new (to me) moped. I have taken a few images and I will be posting them next week when I post my November photos. I haven't been riding it too much because the front tire has a small leak. I will be going to Walmart on Friday and I will get a can of flat repair. So far I really like having a moped. It will come in very handy for short trips to great bird watching spots. I have been a full timer for 9 years without a toad and finally I have some wheels. But to be honest it scares me to ride it. I will get used to it for sure, but I haven't ridden a bike or a motorcycle in 40 years and all I have been driving for the last 8 years are RVs. So I feel like I am sitting on the road.
I have taken a few images and I will be posting them next week

Looking forward to the big unveiling.

... the front tire has a small leak.

You need a PressurePro system: Bernie will be glad to fulfill your need  ;)

... really like having a moped. It will come in very handy for short trips. ...

A change of heart, given your prior assertions that a 'toad' is not necessary  ???

.... it scares me to ride it.

It scares us even more  :eek:

... haven't ridden a bike or a motorcycle in 40 years...

Understand; It's been 45 years for me, and I don't think I'd trust myself to ride 2 wheels nowadays.

Good luck!
Congrats on learning something new.  I don't think I  would  have the courage to ride a moped!  But if it gets you where you are going, bingo!


Did you  do November  photos?  ( if so I missed them, dang) 
I have never said a toad was unnecessary. I said I can get along without one because I don't want the hassle of a toad. But they sure do come in handy. I am anxious to do my 6 month tour of all the Major League Baseball parks in North America, but I have come to the realization I can't do it without a toad of some sort. So I am trying out a scooter to see if it will work for me as a toad. If it does work I will be doing the baseball tour in 2015. If it doesn't work then I will have to get a car for a toad.

I did not post any photos for October on November 1st. I am in Vegas taking care of business (getting my scooter fixed).

I will not be driving it on busy city streets. It will be mainly used on rarely used two lane country roads.
SeilerBird said:
I did not post any photos for October on November 1st.
I will not be driving it on busy city streets. It will be mainly used on rarely used two lane country roads.

Ok and Ok.

Happy Thanksgiving
I have never said a toad was unnecessary.

Really? Irrespective of the words, the message was always very clear. But, it`s OK to change your position/story; We all change our perspective with time, experience, and what life serves up.
Tom said:
Really? Irrespective of the words, the message was always very clear. But, it`s OK to change your position/story; We all change our perspective with time, experience, and what life serves up.
Based on TomS's lack of recent experience on a two-wheeler, I suspect he'll be changing his shorts a bit more often as well as perspective. :eek:

    As a 40 year motorcycle rider and former owner of an aftermarket sales and repair shop, don't use a can of fix a flat on the front tire.  Get it repaired the correct way.  It may cost a bit more, it may take more time and not be as convenient, but you'll never have to worry about that front tire.  The skin you save may be your own.
SeilerBird said:
I will not be driving it on busy city streets. It will be mainly used on rarely used two lane country roads.

I said the exact same thing about my Motorcycle.  Yet, before I knew it I was driving it everywhere.  I've really learned to watch driveways carefully.  People will look right at you, then pull right out in front of you. 
99WinAdventurer37G said:
I said the exact same thing about my Motorcycle.  Yet, before I knew it I was driving it everywhere.  I've really learned to watch driveways carefully.  People will look right at you, then pull right out in front of you.

I agree w/those remarks very much..
I might add dogs and deers.....I took out a young doe doing 60 and it was ugly..for the deer too.. I kinda always figured I could dodge them as I have dogs and groundhogs...not that time..road some since but the fun seems to have slipped away..sigh,,
I'm getting interested in trying a Segway...saw some in San Antonio ..

    Tom, I too second Steve's remarks about having the tire fixed properly.  Those cans of tire repair are notorious to begin leaking again, particularly after any significant temperature swing.  Any tire shop can put a patch on for about the same money and it will last for as long as the tire has tread.

Not only will a proper patch last longer, the canned stuff leaves a sticky mess inside the tire, and if it starts leaking again, many tire shops will refuse to do further work on that tire.

Same thing goes for auto or mobilehome tires - use the fix-a-flat and risk kissing that tire goodbye if it starts leaking again.
Tom  is it a tube or a tubeless?  As others have said, this is not a job for a can of fix flat crap.  Do it right. 

Oh, and try to avoid the busy roads, sidewalks aren't viable and sometimes you just gotta do it.  I would assume I don't have to say anything about using a helmet.  If someone refuses, they don't usually need one.
It won't take long until you are going anyplace you choose on the moped. I started last July and by the Labor Day weekend I was in Boston, well almost, in the busy suburbs. Enjoy and do take care of that tire, a flat front can send you flying.
Ok, you all talked me into getting the flat repaired. Thanks for the advice.

My moped will only do 30 mph and I rarely get even close to that speed. I am not worried at all about other drivers. I am extremely defensive when I drive anything. Cars will rarely have a chance to get close enough to me to be a problem. What I do worry about is hitting loose gravel or an unseen pothole and dumping the bike on it's side and breaking an arm. That scares the heck out of me. You don't see many one armed people playing guitar.

I bought a full helmet and a partial helmet before I bought the bike. Safety is my middle name. I will never go anywhere without one.

Tom - I decided two years ago to get me a toad. Lou S. took me to the Race Track at Death Valley and that trip convinced me I needed a toad. Lou and I talked about it quite a bit.
Enjoy the new flexibility and local mobility Tom. Continue the defensive driving/riding, and stay safe.
that trip convinced me I needed a toad.

You can have both, Tom.  My Bronco II came with a standard 2" hitch receiver, and I thought about hanging a moped off of it.  Never did, though.
Lou Schneider said:
You can have both, Tom.  My Bronco II came with a standard 2" hitch receiver, and I thought about hanging a moped off of it.  Never did, though.
Excellent thought Lou. I never even considered that option. Thanks. And thanks again for the ride to the Race Track. ;D

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