Seilerbird razor.

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
Instead of adding onto Tom’s original post which is quite long, I just thought it would be easier to start a new one.
Just a little background, Tom purchased a new electric razor on Amazon and said he liked it so much, he passed the information onto us.
I purchased one and in the beginning, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. We’ll I decided that I like it and will keep it.
What I do before taking my shower, I use Lectric Shave and shave first outside the shower. Then while in the shower, I lather up with bar soap and run the razor over my face again. My face doesn’t feel like a babies butt but it’s close.

My question to Tom is, seem so I read that you replaced the blades. If you did Tom, where did you get them. I want to make sure when mine do need replacement, I get some that are compatible. Thanks
Instead of adding onto Tom’s original post which is quite long, I just thought it would be easier to start a new one.
Just a little background, Tom purchased a new electric razor on Amazon and said he liked it so much, he passed the information onto us.
I purchased one and in the beginning, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. We’ll I decided that I like it and will keep it.
What I do before taking my shower, I use Lectric Shave and shave first outside the shower. Then while in the shower, I lather up with bar soap and run the razor over my face again. My face doesn’t feel like a babies butt but it’s close.

My question to Tom is, seem so I read that you replaced the blades. If you did Tom, where did you get them. I want to make sure when mine do need replacement, I get some that are compatible. Thanks
Nope, i did not replace the blades. I use canned air to clean the blades. I am glad you like it.
Replacement blades for my Norelco (which this is a clone of) costs $20 to $25. The cost of this razor was, if I recall, $23. The blades will go bad about the same time the batteries won't charge up any more, scrap it at that point.

I have only used the Amazon razor once to try it out, its in the travel trailer, and over the next couple of weeks will get a good test..

I purchased one and have used it at home a few times with good results. I expect to use it for the most part instead of a regular razor during a two-month trip this year. It's easy enough to use a razor at home, but I like the option of something easier with less water use and hovering over a small sink on the road. Thanks, Tom!

Jim R.

I just changed from a name brand that I use to like to a new one less know called Harry's. Reason for change was the old brand either had a bad batch or changed the material to dull faster. I was having a hard time just getting four or five shaves out of it. For the price charge I expect more.

I have used the Harry's brand a couple of times and it is good so far. I'll try to chime in again to let people know what I think later on. I felt so positive about the brand I bought more blades.
I'll probably get some boo's, but I've used plain old BIC disposable razors for many years, and haven't found any need to change. Even with the post stroke blood thinners I'm on, they still work well with no nicks ever despite one doctor suggesting I could bleed to death if I didn't switch to an electric razor right away. :)
A couple months back I reported my Seilerbird razor was making a metallic screeching noise. I soaked the blades in very hot water for an hour, then ran it with the blades submersed in hot water. It loosened whatever invisible buildup was there and it has run quietly for the past month.
The blades will go bad about the same time the batteries won't charge up any more, scrap it at that point.
Yep. The SeilerBird razor is so cheap, by the time the blades wear out, just buy another razor.

The old days when I used to buy blades for my Norelco are long gone. The complete SeilerBird razor costs less than the new Norelco blades used to cost me.

OTOH, we all sure throw away a lot more electronic junk than we used to.

-Don- Reno, NV
Well I’ve had a change of heart. I thought I was going to like this razor but not anymore. I don’t know if the blades are getting dull but it seems like it’s not cutting close anymore. Also it leaves whiskers sticking up and depending on what shirt I am wearing the shirt material catches and pulls the whiskers. Very painful.
I received it from Amazon the end of January so it’s not like i didn’t give it a chance. 4 months.
That’s enough for me. I hope it’s working out good for anyone else who purchased it.
Well I’ve had a change of heart. I thought I was going to like this razor but not anymore. I don’t know if the blades are getting dull but it seems like it’s not cutting close anymore. Also it leaves whiskers sticking up and depending on what shirt I am wearing the shirt material catches and pulls the whiskers. Very painful.
I received it from Amazon the end of January so it’s not like i didn’t give it a chance. 4 months.
That’s enough for me. I hope it’s working out good for anyone else who purchased it.
I've used Norelco rotary shavers for decades. When they start leaving hairs behind, I know it's time for a deep cleaning of the blades & head. The shield over the blades eventually gets clogged with facial oils & whisker-dust and hairs get skipped. On my Norelcos that's a 20 minute job to disassemble the head and brush away the accumulation. I've found dry-brushing works better than washing it out. I'd guess I do that once every 6-9 months.

I just changed from a name brand that I use to like to a new one less know called Harry's. Reason for change was the old brand either had a bad batch or changed the material to dull faster. I was having a hard time just getting four or five shaves out of it. For the price charge I expect more.

I have used the Harry's brand a couple of times and it is good so far. I'll try to chime in again to let people know what I think later on. I felt so positive about the brand I bought more blades.

I'll probably get some boo's, but I've used plain old BIC disposable razors for many years, and haven't found any need to change. Even with the post stroke blood thinners I'm on, they still work well with no nicks ever despite one doctor suggesting I could bleed to death if I didn't switch to an electric razor right away. :)
The razor in question is an electric one that is a clone of the Norelco. It was $23 last summer when everyone bought it, but is now down to $20 I keep it in the travel trailer and used it on this long trip I just finished. It works well, only issue I have is with the strange odor it gives off when running. Possibly I should dip the head in some soapy water while running it to clean it out. Has that funky chinese oil smell.

At home I use a hand held razor, but on the road it is inconvenient to shave with a razor and for me, would waste a lot of precious water, so I bought the razor off of Amazon to keep in the trailer, as it will charge off a USB port with its special cable. I have a Norelco I use at home sometimes, but don't want to be moving it from house to RV and back, I would forget it. This electric razor is so inexpensive as to be a no brainer to keep in the trailer.

Its kinda funny that it is now known on this forum as the "Seilerbird razor", possibly we need to trademark the name :D

I still use the SeilerBirdRazor every day and it does an amazing job every day. When the blades start to dull I will toss it and buy another one.
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