Selecting and setting up a new Toad

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Grandville, MI
I will be purchasing a new toad. Probably a Honda CRV. We lost our old toad to a rollover accident in 2011 by our granddaughter. She is fine except for a scrape on the head and a very bruised ego. It was a 2001 Chevy Tracker and a great low mileage toad!

I have a Roadmaster Stowmaster tow bar that I purchased in 1996. Has technology and convenience changed a lot that it is out of date? I see where they are mounted on the motorhome now. Is that more convenient?

Since the CRV is less than 2000 kilos, do I need a braking system to enter Canada?

Like the USA states, each province has it's own rules regarding whether brakes are required and for what weights. You are always best to have brakes and then you are covered no matter what.
In my opinion the motorhome mounted tow bars are superior the Stowmaster type, simply because there is no reason to carry around the tow bar when driving the toad. Less weight to carry, and no "knee-knocker" sticking out in front. Leave the tow bar parked with the coach.  Since you already own the Stowmaster, I'm not sure there is financial justification for a change. However, a 16 year old tow bar is overdue for a rebuild - they don't last for ever! Youw ill have to decide to spend for the rebuild vs buying a new one.

A toad braking system is highly recommended, regardless of state or provincial laws. It will shorten your stopping distance and that is always a Good Thing. And your chassis specs may require one as well -  gas-powered chassis specify that a  brake system is required for any towed load over 1500 lbs.

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