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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Every so often  we RV travelers are blessed with perfect timing.  So it was this weekend as we made the trip down US 101 from Brookings, OR to Santa Rosa, CA for a pre-Thanksgiving visit with family and to attend a friend's retirement party.

The weather was beautiful, the waves were rolling onto the Pacific beaches at the beginning of the trip.  Sunlight was filtering through the redwoods from Jed Smith State Park in Crescent City to Standish Hickey SP near Leggett.  The forest views along the Eel River watershed were spectacular.

The best part was from north of Ukiah through the Alexander Valley to Santa Rosa.  We caught the turning of the grape leaves in the vineyards at peak color.  Miles of golden yellow with just a tinge remaining of green and acres and acres of oranges and reds.  Some of the smaller Mom and Pop vineyards were a colorful mixture of all the shades. 

We've listened to California jokes for so long ? from lame to ludicurous ? that I had nearly forgotten just how breathtaking Northern California can be.  It made us happy, once more, that we bought the motorhome and chose this lifestyle nearly ten years ago. :D

Hi Margi, glad to hear you're back in the Golden State. How long will you be in Santa Rosa?
Tom & MArgi,

Enjoyed reading about your impressions as you  traveled in Northern Calif.  I still have to get Sam over to see Yosimite and the giant redwoods.  Sam & I wish you both a very Happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

We will be traveling to Tx to spend Christmas with our children and two grand daughters.  The second grand daughter was born 1 Nov.
Tom - We're already back in Brookings, OR.  The return trip was glorious, too, except for heavy fog along the coast.  Sandberg may have enjoyed fog creeping in on little cat's feet, but I'll take sunshine any day. ;)

Ron - Thanks for the wishes, and same to you and Sam.  I know Sam will enjoy her holiday Granny fix in December.

Too bad Margi. You really should let us know when you're going to be anywhere near the Delta or Stockton.

Say Hi to Tom for us.

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