Short Drivers

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New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hello There,

My wife and I have just begun shopping around for our first RV. We're leaning towards a Class C for several reasons, the problem is that my wife is rather short (5 foot, to be exact) and she isn't comfortable in the drivers seat.

When she puts the seat all the way forward the steering wheel is pushing into her belly and she still cannot comfortably reach the gas and brake pedal. We can't be the first ones to experience this problem, there must be some temporary modifications that can be made so she can drive it too.

Any help, advice, or guidance will be apreciated. Thanks!
Mid-higher end Class A are often equipped with adjustable pedals that might help.

Short legs are a problem. She needs to be high enough in the seat to see well out the windshield, yet be able to reach the pedals too. Sometimes the seat can be re-positioned, but that is going to depend on the specifics of the rig you choose. Once you find something you like well enough to buy, further investigation into moving the seat would then be warranted.
Contact the vehicle manufacturer and see what provisions they have for "special needs" people.  My DIL has the same problems and the manufacturer had some addons that solved her problems.  In her case GM and Ford.

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