Shower Head Flow Restrictor

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
Do the shower heads in RV's have the environmental flow restrictors  like the ones used in home construction to minimize the gallons per hour flow rate at the shower head.  I am familiar with them in home construction and immediately remove them from the shower head in our stick built house showers in order to get a more robust water flow. 
Most of them do. But alot of us get the Oxygenics showerhead, It does a great job with the flow that you get on a rv system.
Does the Oxygenics have a shut-off on the head?  I want to replace the one that came with our unit as the  valve on the wand is very stiff to operate.  Any other recommendations?

A problem with removing the restrictor  in an RV shower head is that the hot water gets used up faster since you need more hot water mixed with the cold to get the right temperature because of the increased flow rate.
With the possible exception of the oxygenics shower head, which is kind of a special device I think all shower heads sold in the US today have the ()*@#&$)(@!#*) Flow restrictors.

Back when I had a stick house I had a plumbing problem, Arterial sclerosis is a good description of it.  Got to where I could pass warm water faster than the water heater.  So one morning I said "ENOUGH" grabbed a couple of tools and my wallet, Took a saw to the outlet pipe on the water heater and removed the section that passed over the furnace It was 1/2 inch,  Took it to Plumb Hollow hardware, (now history) which at the time still cut and fitted pipe and said "Duplicate in 3/4"  They did.

Paid for it, came home and installed it,, Took a nice LONG (40 gallon heater) Hot shower.

Wife came home and went to do dishes.. She turned on the hot water and waited for the stream to slow to a trickle.. It never did.

Well, then we upgraded the bathroom, nice new tub and shower  WITH A FLOW RESTRICTOR.. That lasted about 10 minutes. (Just long enough for me to find the proper wrench)
Gordon, the Oxygenics has a twist shut-off at the base of the handle where the flex line connects.  It works fine.


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