Sidewinder vs. Pullrite Superglide

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Still trying to decide. Any help would be appreciated
The Superglide looks like a winner but oh my it will take a big chunk out of the budget. I would be interested in the Sidewinder but am concerned about the additional lever on the trailer mount. We have already punched out the cab window and know what that costs :(
Thanks for the input. Gary did you have the sidewinder when you pulled a fifth wheel? I am looking at a used pullrite that i can get into for a little more than a new sidewinder so the cost is fairly close. I have a reese manual slider now but have traded  trucks and am just weighing my options before installing it in new truck.
I didn't have either a slider or a Sidewinder. My first 5W was a short bed truck but we never turned sharply enough to have a problem. The second rig was a long bed truck, so no worries there.
Pup, Hi I have the pullrite and LOVE IT.....  It is a great hitch and worth the money, I was able to find one on Craiglist used for about half price of a new one. You could give that a try first.  Can't tell you anything about the other hitch never seen one, or never even seen one in my travels being used.  I also have a Dodge 2011 diesel short bed.  So good luck.  Jay
Thanks for the info Jay. Do you have plenty of clearance over your bed rails? I have found a couple on craigslist that I am looking at right now. Probably wil get one of them at the end of the week.
I have 4 to 5 inches above my bed rails,  never have I had a problem with hitting the underside of the front of the trailer, but if I come up a hill and then it flatens out I have rubbed the underside lightly.  And because Dodge's sit so high my trailer does sit up a little in the front, but does not effect the way it pulls just great.  Pup I used the bed rail system with my hitch( it has 4 pins and 2 bed rails than the hitch sits on that) the only down fall is it is much to heavy to put in and out of the truck with just one person you will need help with this setup.  But love the fact of having no bed rails when the hitch is out of the truck,  ends up being about 1/2 the year for me.  Jay
Jay, The empty bed and the way the jaw closes around the king pin are the main reason's for me switching from my manual slider but the automatic sliding will be nice although I have never had to move mine back. One less thing to worry with.Are the rails you mentioned what they call the super rails or the 3" spacer pullrite talks about on there website? Thanks
RoyM said:
The Superglide looks like a winner but oh my it will take a big chunk out of the budget. I would be interested in the Sidewinder but am concerned about the additional lever on the trailer mount. We have already punched out the cab window and know what that costs :(

We have the Sidewinder and just love it.  It allows me to run a full bed hard tonneau cover while towing.  Have pulled over 5,000 miles and no problems whatsoever.
Concordretiree I tried to message you about your awning supports but it would not let me. If you dont mind shoot me some info on them. thanks
Pup, I read a lot about added stress to different parts of the trailers frame, causing broken welds to the frame when you use any type of extender on the hitch, so for me it wasn't a choice.  My trailer is notched on both corners of the trailer so even with a nonsliding hitch I would of must likely not hit,  but I wanted the piece of mind.  And buying the hitch used was a big decision maker for me,  having my truck bed rail free was the other reason. Jay
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