single female traveler

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traveln bunny

New member
Oct 16, 2012
I'm thinking about selling everything and traveling with a trailer.  I was wondering if there are any other single females out there doing the same thing, and if so how are things going for you by adjusting to living in RV parks?

I was thinking there would be mostly couples, so thought I would check it out here on this site.  Thanks!!
The only woman who I know who travels full time solo is Foiled Again on  You could check with her if you want some advice specific to your situation.

We have some single RVing women here on the RV Forum.  I should imagine one of them will chime in one of these days.

Traveln Bunny,

There are many single folks traveling throughout the country. We probably have some here but there are groups of singles that get together all the time. I think one is Loners on Wheels. If you stick around here I'm sure there are many that can answer your questions and help in many ways.
check out the big RV orgs, FMCA, Big Sam or Escapees.  There may be others.  They all have "singles" chapters that cater to single people traveling in RVs.  They have thousands of members, publish a newsletter and sponsor events.  Please don't let your marital status deter you if this is what you wanna do.  JM2C.
Here is a link to a blog of a single female rver who has been doing is for quite some time.

Lots of good info on her blog.

There's a good amount of full-timers solo women RVers out there.  Once you start searching you should find several sites that can be of use.  I know of some female RVers with RVs ranging from small & compact to fifth wheels and MHs.  For many going full time was the right choice while for others it wasn't the perfect fit after all. 

I'm a female solo RVer but not full time. 
Hello, I am not a full timer yet but working up to it. I love to camp and I know what you mean about being a single female, wish I could find some others singles to camp with - I am searching the web. Good luck
I like this site as it has a range of RVers in different walks of life.  Check out the different sites to see which fits your needs.
I'm a single female, I've been fulltiming in my little old RV for almost 3 years now and I LOVE IT!

I write very day on my blog, mostly about my RV lifestyle.

I have not joined any groups or clubs for singles or women. I tried to meet up with a group of singles at a park, but somehow missed them, they were gone all day on pre-planned outings and I came to the park to soak up the beauty, so I never did get to meet them.

True...  you do mostly run into couples and families in the parks and campgrounds, but there are singles both male and female in their RV's both part time and fulltime.

I get along with folks young and old, single and married, so it's not a big issue with me.  I bought an RV that had a spare bunk so a single friend can join me and I've had several travel with me a week or two here and there.  I would love to meet someone that wanted to travel with me fulltime, but in the interim, I just keep traveling on my own and having an absolute blast! 

I picked up a hitchhiker who has been with me over 2 years, a little canine fellow who provides wonderful security and an excuse to go walking several times a day. We stop at dog parks when we can find them and meet lots of nice folks there as well as the campgrounds.

I've made some RV friends and we try to rendezvous in parks together from time to time. 

It's a fun life and I love it!
Hi All,

I am thinking of doing the same...selling it all and heading out on the road full-time. Just getting really tired of the rat-race and looking to experience more of our country will I am able. I'm planning ahead, though, and hoping to be able to do this in a couple years.

I am a brand new member here, and will be checking out some of the sites you all listed, also. Lots to think about and plan for...I look forward to chatting more and hearing about how all you experienced RVers do it!

I just googled "RV forums for single women" and several pages of info came up.

I was reading in a molded fiberglass trailer forum awhile back.....a single guy was saying that there's so many forums and groups for single women RVing but hardly anything available for single RVing men.  I believe, just naturally, it may be easier for women to meet others on the road than for men.

Having said that....I've never experienced that.  My wife says I can meet anybody anywhere and find something in common to talk about.  I dunno......

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