Slide Topper Replacement

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
Home - Sayre, PA
I have  had three of the four slide toppers replaced on my Vectra, by Galaxy Awnings. They did a great job and the price was reasonable. However, I am now faced with a dilemma. The fourth topper is now deteriorating and it is mounted below the main Weather Pro awning. Galaxy has indicated that the Weather Pro will have to be removed in order to gain access the mounting slot and they don't have the manpower to accomplish this on my site in Florida. I am looking for other options, other than total removal of the Weather Pro. I am considering doing this myself with my son's help. Any suggestions?
It's a fairly big deal to R&R the big awning, takes two or three guys - I watch mine being replaced a few years ago.  I'm not sure the awning has to be pulled to replace the topper - I'd run that by Winnebago Owner Relations.
Since the top of the slide obviously clears the patio awning, I am a bit mystified why the awning would have to be removed. Is it really that close?

It may be that it is easier to do the job with the awning removed but that is clearly a two-man job. Do they send just one guy to do a topper onsite?  If that's it, you could offer to pay for the extra man, or you and your son could remove the awning and then reinstall later after the topper is done. Or the two of you can do the topper as well.

I just obtained new topper material from and will soon be getting some first hand topper replacement experience myself.
I don't have a Vectra but a Meridian and I canged out my topper under my main awning and all I did was disconnect the rear most arm of the main awning and once I had the new topper past that point I reattached the awning arm. No problem and everything works fine. You just have to put the new topper in from the longer distance from the rear instead of the shorter distance from the front.
I am about to do the same job on 2 of my slides but one of them is a little more than a slide topper. It actually extends a bit further to become the window shade as well. I don't see a big problem with DIY as I have had both of them down myself several times.

I think the only difference will be in the length of the material needed for the combined awning and the topper alone one (and also the widths). I will measure and get an estimate from the company Gary suggested. Unfortunately they do not seem to have any means of contacting them other than the estimate form and I have a question regarding finishing the awning one as it requires a 4-5" fringe after the roller attachment. From their web site it would seem like they can only handle toppers.....

Any other suggestions for suppliers guys??
You can order replacement fabric from several sources, e.g. PPL Motorhome Parts, Sunpro Mfg,, etc.  You can also get OEM fabric from dealers for most brands of toppers and awnings (but it's pricey).

Unfortunately they do not seem to have any means of contacting them other than the estimate form and I have a question regarding finishing the awning one as it requires a 4-5" fringe after the roller attachment. From their web site it would seem like they can only handle toppers.....

To get the type that is both a topper and a window awning may require an OEM part rather than aftermarket. I expect you want the sunbrella fabric too. You can email Ray at Tough Tops at [email protected]. He's an easy guy to talk to, but they only carry 15 oz vinyl fabric, so probably not what you want for a window shade.
Thank you for that information Gary. I have checked the Carefree web site but even they don't seem to carry a replacement for their own awnings of the window shade/topper any longer, a year 2000 product. Will try and contact them with the full model number and see what they say, I guess....  (I even had a hard time identifying the product to them for parts purposes 7 years ago !!)
I replaced my toppers (one was 21' and the second 13') with awnings from ToughTop last spring. It is very simple to do. I  used the vice-grip style oil filter wrench to hold the sprung awning tube open and widened the end of the tube channel slightly to facilitate feeding the new one. Be sure to use silicon spray to lube the channels and use an 8 foot step ladder so you can work comfortable and safely at the top of the slide. You need a helper to feed the awning but they can use a 6 foot step ladder. The first one will take less than an hour and the rest will go much faster. You will be glad you did it yourself. Bring duct tape to secure the installed awning centered on the tube so it won't move when retracted. Good luck,
Thanks to all for the replies.  I will continue to search for a solution.  It appears I have not explained the problem clearly.  I will try again!  The verticle supports attached to the coach go above the slot for the topper.  These verticle members block access to the topper slot.  As I have four slides, I cannot come in from the rear of the coach as the topper on the rear right side slide is in the same slot.  I think I can get it in if I release the front Weather Pro baracket,  this would be the side that the motor is on.  I will try to take a picture, to show the Main Awning attachment and the topper slot.    Again, I thank you all.  PS  I'm looking at Tough Top Awnings for replacement material.
Thanks for the topper tips, Bob. My pal Paul DeMars is coming to visit in a couple weeks and I will wait for his help. He & I have done patio and window awnings before, so now we will get educated on slide toppers as well.

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