Slide won't go out

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New member
Dec 27, 2012
I have a 2008 Winnebago Outlook 31C and I'm having trouble getting the electric slide to go out.  I put the parking brake on, but the light on the dash does not illuminate.  When I try to push out the slide, the engage parking brake warning light on the slide control flashes, and the slide won't go out. 

I know the parking brake engages because when I put the coach in drive and it won't roll forward because.  I also know the dash light bulb works because when I turn the key to the on position all the dash lights light up.  There is a disconnect somewhere in the system.  Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?  Thanks.
Sounds as though the circuit between the park brake indicator and the slide control may be open, i.e. the slide controller thinks the brake is not yet applied. There is probably a wire going from the switch on the brake mechanism to the slide controller - the signal is typically a simple +12v, present or not.

The slide controllers usually offer a couple of interlock circuits and yours may have more than one, e.g. ignition on/off, brake on/off, tranny in park, etc. A call to Winnebago should advise what interlocks yours uses and might shed some light on where those interlock circuits are sourced.
There is a small switch that is activated mechanically when the parking brake is deployed. So the brake is on, but the switch is either loose or out of position. Get under the dash and look at the brake pedal and you should see it.
The flashing indicator showing parking brake not set also will flash if the house battery is low. Start the engine and then try the slide. This will check both a low battery situation and an ignition switch interlock. Then, if slide still doesn't work, as already stated pursue the indication switch operated by the parking brake. If you can manipulate the parking brake switch to indicate on the dash with the key on, you will probably also provide this input to the slide circuitry.
Thanks for the suggestions. 

I dont think it's a power problem because I've tried it with the engine on.  I'm hoping its the indicator switch. The RV is in storage, I plan on going up today to tinker with it.  Thanks!
Success.  It was the "plunger" switch by the parking brake pedal.  The wire connector had a piece of the plastic molding folded into one of the contacts.  once I removed that extra piece the sensor worked properly. 

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