Some help with 98 Palomino Mustang Wiring

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New member
Jun 10, 2024
OK... So we were given this popup and it was in rough shape,, but I have rebuilt the rotted back end, removed all the mold and fixed the canvas. NOW onto the wiring. Right or wrong what I we are doing is the running lights / break lights all have new wiring, and lights (all the wire had been wet or rotted out). They all work as should on a 4 plug to the SUV. Here is my issue.

We are not needing the fridge to stay on while we are traveling and are just fine having the heater and fridge work if it plugged in to 110. I have been looking for a wiring diagram cannot find one. ( i have read all that info was in the factory that burnt down) Bummer. Where I am struggling is getting everything up and running again once its plugged in to 110. All the wiring goes through the DC converter, But nothing works (no out lets ), fridge or the heater.

Can anyone offer help? orrrrr I can post pictures if that helps.

thanks in advance
I had a 90's palomino popup I updated the electric. At least in mine the wiring was minimal and routed behind trim. The converter was a simple transformer unit. The AC input went right to it and if the outlets (and 12v?) don't work that'd be the place to start. Since you report the existing wiring is compromised I'm not sure it matters what's there, just go scorched earth and wire it up the way you want it to work.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
If all that your 120V supplies is the 120V to 12V converter, it should be easy to just wire in a longer cord. If you want to run other things you will need a distribution box and circuit breakers. Is the refrigerator one that uses 12V and propane?
Mine had I think a 1 or 2 breaker AC panel and I recall a switch to select the onboard "converter" (transformer and diodes) from battery charge to operate. I put in my own multistage charger and just abandoned the OEM one in place. The thing came with a hard wired 25' 30A cord which was way overkill so changed it out for a 20A wall mounted receptacle for a regular extension cord. I moved the battery from the tongue to under a dinette bench and used a sealed battery. Added some cigarette lighter/USB sockets, LED light strips and a little battery monitor. The folks that bought it were all whizzed they could charge their phones while camping.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
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