sony back up camera

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Mar 22, 2013
I just purchased a 1990 Winnebago chiefton.  It has a sony backup camera HVM-510X.  The problem is when I put it in reverse the monitor screen is fuzzy with lines (no picture) but I can hear that the microphone is working. Does anybody have a idea what is wrong??
Thank You
Echoing what John said, it's 23 years old. Surprised it's made it this far even making a sound. Those older units were loaded with capacitors that dry up from heat and age. Once they literally dry, electrolytic caps have to be replaced. It's such a pain, I don't know of any shops that would bother. You can get a new color system from Tim and be really happy. Likely what he will suggest will include adapters, so no wires to pull......just plug and play.
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