Soon to retire and leave New Jersey

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New member
Sep 18, 2019
Hey all,
So my wife and I are actively shopping for our first travel trailer. I am retiring shortly and we will be putting New Jersey in the rearview mirror. I'm looking forward to soaking up as much info as possible here.

Welcome Joe, sounds great.  A lot goes into this process, starters are, do you have your tow vehicle yet?  So many people mis-match travel trailers with tow vehicles, and it often costs them a pretty penny.  As you look around this great Forum, lots of useful information up in the library.  I will offer 2 pieces of advise.  Do not listen to a technical word a RV salesperson says, and you are so much better to buy a gently used trailer that has been back to service and has the bugs worked out.  Many people spend a fair amount of time back at the dealer first year.  It certainly helps to be handy and fix minor issues yourself.  Good luck and feel free to ask questions.
Welcome.  Shop used first and foremost.  Since your a newby learn this, floor plan/livability is paramount.  How much time do you think you will spend on the road?  Couple weeks, couple months, or a couple years?  The longer you plan to spend in an RV the more a comfort you will want.  When we were shopping for our fiver we went wnd played house until we found one were were comfortable in.  That fiver lasted us 11 years and never were dissappointed with the choice.  We would probably still have it if DWs arthritus had not side lined her.

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