sounds like r/v is blowin up underneath bed

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New member
Jan 22, 2013
all day and nite occasionally it sounds like the coach is blowin up underneath bed it sometimes actually shakes coach wats up someone said its the fiberglass epandin and contractin can it be fixed 97 national dolphin

Sometimes the jacks will relax a small amount commonly causing the springs to make a loud pop or groan and sometimes even make the RV shake a bit.  Could that be your "explosion"?  Leave your jacks up and see if the problem goes away.
Back in those days there was a known noise problem with the gas tank expanding and contracting with temperature changes. Not every Ford chassis coach had the problem, though.  You might try raising or lowering the rear jacks a bit, making it slightly off-level. See if that changes the noise factor any.

The more likely source is a jack slipping a little overnight. You can check this by measuring the distance from a point on each corner of the coach to the ground  and checking for changes the following morning. You can put a piece of making tape on each corner if there is nothing else convenient to measure to.  If you find that the coach has dropped a bit overnight in one or more places, you probably need the hydraulic valves for that jack replaced.
An easy way to eliminate gas tank expansion/contraction noise is to loosen the gas cap while you're parked.  Normally the gas cap is vapor tight and the tank relies on air flowing through the carbon canister for venting.  The bang is caused by the tank oil-canning from vacuum caused by the gasoline contracting in volume faster than the carbon canister can admit air into the tank.
thanks to tom and all the others for solvin my explosion problem it was indeed the jacks now how do i stablize the coach???? by the way this site is the greatest and thanks gain.....bobby
Try just tagging the ground with them instead of putting a lot of weight on them, it may help. I'm sure that there is something that can be done to minimize the issue, just not sure what.


I have had the same problem. In fact, it has happened here in QZ the past couple of days. My rear jacks are almost fully extended. I think they are the culprit. Seems to have settled in now. I have had it in the past as well. Hopefully, once you level the coach again, it will stop happening.
wornhorn said:
thanks to tom and all the others for solvin my explosion problem it was indeed the jacks now how do i stablize the coach? ??? by the way this site is the greatest and thanks gain.....bobby
What kind of jacks do you have - HWH or Power Gear or whatever?  Since you say it happens day and night, it probably is not due just to temperature changes, so it may be a leaking valve or maybe air in the lines.

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