Southwind differances???

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
In5-7 months I will be purchasing a class A RV the one I am currently studying up on is the Southwind 97-99 I have noticed some have a one piece headlight while others have a two piece head light. What is the differances between the two?
I'm not sure they go back that far but check under the Fleetwood RV brochure archive.  Sometimes you can even google the specific year and model you're interested in and come up with a brochure.  Also check to see if Yahoo Groups has a site for Southwind owners.  If not, there may be a group for Fleetwood product owners. 

Good luck. 
I googled a few online ads of a 1997 just for grins, and most that came up had the 4 square headlights (two on each side) I did come up with one ad that showed one with one large single one, but at the bottom of the ad there was a disclaimer about not being responsible for input errors....that's my guess, input errors.
In those years there was a Southwind Storm model that was a bit lower in the price/amenity hierarchy than the full-blown Southwind line. I think the Storm model had single headlamps and the main Southwind line had duals.  All the 1997 Storm models I can find online have singles.

Southwind Storm
Gary can type faster than I. His assessment of the different models is correct.
Thanks that is what I wanted to know. Now when I see one I know it isn't what I want and can keep on driving.
I wouldn't write off the Flair until I was sure the difference was something important to me. While lower in the marketing  hierarchy, they are decent coaches and many are equipped pretty much like their more upscale Southwind sisters. Take a close look at a couple before you decide.

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