spice store-Penzeys

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2005
The son of the people running the spice house in downtown Milwaukee have a chain of 25 spice stores, including Des Moines IA and Scottsdale AZ. Found it today and picked up some chili pepper blends.
www. penzeys.com

Lorna Reiter took me to the Milwaukee spice house a couple of years ago. Now I can get hot stuff lots more places!
rhmahoney said:
Lorna Reiter took me to the Milwaukee spice house a couple of years ago. Now I can get hot stuff lots more places!

What wonderful news, Russ.  I was worried that you wouldn't have enough hot stuff for your patio parties.  ;D

A little late, but we have a Penzey's in Milwaukee too, and it was like being a kid in a candy store. They have about 25 different blends of curry alone, and if your budget can stand it, a good supply of Spanish Saffron (mine can't) :'(
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