Spilt Dri-z-Air Crystal goop

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
Unfortunately Head Office decided that the best location for her to place the dehumidifying crystal container was right in the middle of our trail floor.  This happens to be the same place I swung my foot about 4 hours ago.

One thing I noticed is that the stuff is hard to mop up, it doesn't seem to soak into kitchen tissue. I did the best I could and will go back tomorrow when it is light to see what else I can do.

I think I got away fairly lightly. The floor is some form of linoleum, I think only a very small amount got onto the slide carpet at the edge and a few drips down a heat register.

I know I need to try and get the register clean as the stuff is very salty. Any other tips for cleaning this mess up? My RV is winterized so no water available at the storage place, should I take water, a solvent? detergent? Anyone else had this problem?

Thanks in advance
Bucket of water and a rag? Like run down to Home Depot buy a 5 gallon bucket with a lid. Then load it up with soapy hot water and a rag. Snap the lid on haul over to the RV and clean R' Up.  ;)
    Dri Z Air has a website with a good FAQ section that covers cleaning procedure.
I was hoping for more than simply water as indicated on their website

Whatever you do don't kick over a DriZair container. It is a nightmare to sort out. The liquid doesn't even soak into kitchen tissue. As instructed I would mop with water, dry, repeat .... still there, repeat .... still there, repeat. Eventually it starts to come up. I spent over an hour trying to sort a patch of around 2' x 2'. You think you have it sorted and then the wet look starts to appear again, I assume there is residue and it just drags more moistures out of the air.

There has to be a better alternative than this stuff, it's awful. Considering how bad it is to clean up I am surprised the container is not a little more fail safe.  That said, I shouldn't have kicked it over in the first place. Oh, well.

Thanks for your replies. If I do choose to go with it again it is going to be put in a bucket at the very least!
My solution to this problem is go hang out at the RV for a while and fire up the furnace watch a movie warm it up with a roof vent cracked. Hang out for 2 hour movie and then shut it all down. Repeat once every few weeks if you can. Like my RV is parked in the yard and sitting out with snow on the roof which I now is condensing moisture inside so about once a week I go out and fire up the furnace and hang out in the RV, clean up, watch a movie, etc.

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