Splendide washer/dryer won't fit!

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rodeo mom

New member
Feb 14, 2013
I have just purchased a 2010 Damon Tuscany 3680 motorhome (4 slides), and wanted to have a combination washer/dryer installed in the w/d designated (pre-plumbed) cabinet, but the cabinet is not deep enough to accommodate the Splendide. The cabinet is 18" deep - is there another quality brand that will fit? I have had a bid of over $800 to move the back wall of the cabinet back, but I would rather not do that! It seems it should have originally been built deep enough to accommodate some brand.
Call Damon and ask them what fits and why they made a "w/d ready "rv that won't accept the most common unit.
On our last Tradewinds the rear closet wall had to be removed to allow the Splendide to slide back allow but IIRC we had more than 18 inches.
I just had my old one replaced,  I just now took the tape measure and slid it back on top of the unit.  It's 31 inches from the front of the washer to the back wall.  That cabinet is built out and measuring to the front edge of the Corian is 34 inches. 

I noted when the door on the exhaust outside was opened there was enough room back there for the exhaust vent and the plumbing too.  I'm not sure what the size of the washer is though. This motorhome was fitted with a w/d when built.
I think you are going to find that Thor purchased Damon and references to Damon's old web site route back to Thor.

You can use this link to contact Thor and see if they can give you some guidance. Most of the older Damon's were "washer/dryer ready" but in looking, I am not finding any that have the washer/dryer installed.

Our coach is somewhat different than yours in that the longer Tuscany's have the washer/dryer area in the rear master bath and are stackable residential types, not Splendide.

The Splendide in our Fleetwood Expedition was mounted mid-ship, and there was almost no clearance to the rear of the unit, almost like the coach was build around it.


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