Spring filter change

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
Fl panhandle
It's been a very eventful few months but I'm ready for the spring hoop-da-ra.
First on the list is the yearly fluid/filter change. Usually I buy from the on-line "name brand" store (and they have always been outstanding).
I was told NAPA was going to have a spring filter sale. As much as 50% off.

So, are the NAPA filters as good as name brand? I do use the 4374 Dryer at $44.39 vise $88.12.
Since all my filters get changed once a year, and WIX is reported to be a good filter, what say you ole mighty gang of knowledge?

1748XD, 4374, 4071, 3422, 3063, 1064, 9697 are the NAPA cross numbers.

Most NAPA filters are made by Wix anyway, so you really can't go wrong. You will probably notice that the NAPA and WIX numbers for the same filter are very similar.

I've bought fuel and oil filters at NAPA several times when I was in a hurry and didn't want to wait for an internet order.
Thanks for the correction, 82. I had forgotten that. I always buy the Gold - or Purolator's top of the line if buying their brand (for the car).  I don't try to pinch pennies on filters
I get my WIX Brand filters on Amazon.  I pay no tax, get 2 day shipping and dont have to drive the 35 mile round trip to NAPA.  The Amazon Wix filters are about 2/3rds the cost of NAPA Gold.

The Napa Gold Filter number is the last four digit of the WIX filter number.
I order from Filter Barn or RV Chassis Parts. I always have one of each on hand for motor and genny. Then simply reorder as needed.
Thanks guys.
Gary just saved me a few bucks by reminding me that the generator fuel filter doesn't need replacing yearly, da.
The only "filter barn" I get is for fram filters.
My usual source is rv chassis parts since they are only a couple of bucks higher.
The Filter Barn carries more than just Fram products, despite the Fram look-up box on the home page. Put your current filter number in the "OEM" box and find the matches. For example, the ordering choices for a Fleetguard FS1003 are another Fleetguard FS1003, a Fleetguard FS19596 (equivalent) or a Fram PS8687.

I'm not a Fram fan either!
Gary RV Roamer said:
The Filter Barn carries more than just Fram products, despite the Fram look-up box on the home page. Put your current filter number in the "OEM" box and find the matches. For example, the ordering choices for a Fleetguard FS1003 are another Fleetguard FS1003, a Fleetguard FS19596 (equivalent) or a Fram PS8687.

I'm not a Fran fan either!

OK, on board with filter barn.
About $50 less than NAPA and looks like actual fleetguard product. If I keep looking maybe somewhere will be free. Yea right, and the Pope don't wear a funny hat.

Thanks again.
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