Springdale speakers

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New member
Jul 29, 2006
Hello everyone. I was wondring if you all could help me out with something. I have a Springdale Model 268BHLGL travel trailer. After having it for over a year we are wanting to upgrade the speakers in it. There are only 2 mounted in the ceiling, 4" im guessing. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to get the covers/grills off of the speakers in order to access them. I have tried twisting, pulling, and such. Just wondered if anyone here knew how to remove these covers in order to upgrade. Maybe there is a trick that I am not aware of.  Thanks


Some brands require that you push hard on the front cover while also turning. Which brand are they? Maybe someone will have specific knowledge of that brand.
Unfortunately they have no brand on them, they are just the generic OEM speakers that have a metal grate with the holes surrounded by a metal molding around them. I will work to push and twist and see if that works. Thanks for the advise.

Usually speaker grills are snap on covers over a metal ring which is in turned screwed on

Also they are inexpensive to replace should you mangle them (Starting aroudn 10 bucks a pair if memory serves)

So try gently pulling/prying them off.

Another method is a screw right through the cover,  A very close visual inspection may find one.

But usually there is a metal ring, the speaker bolts to the back of this ring with downward pointing bolts (You may be able to see those bolts through the grill) and then the ring bolts to the cealing of the rig with upward pointing screws.  And then the cover snaps on over the top

I know this doesn't answer your question, but have you thought about doing an upgrade to a surround sound system? There are some really nice sounding systems out there with cd/dvd built in, inputs for tv and other devices too. Great sound and reasonably priced. I got one from Walmart last year for under $50; front, rear, and center speakers and subwoofer. Mine doesn't have the built-in cd/dvd player, but I picked up a seperate unit for around $50 too. I was so impressed with it that I bought a second one for use with the computer.

Granted, you're talking about running speaker wires and audio cables - not always easy, but you may be happier in the long run.

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