Got it!
Those figures appear to support what I suggested. Locked rotor current, or startup surge, is only quoted once. However, power consumption goes up to 1695 watts in high temperatures. That is to be expected. The air conditioner will have to work harder when it is hotter. But I see no change in the start-up surge in hot weather or cooler.
The micro air unit will reduce the startup Surge from in excess of 50 amps, to somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 25 apps.
1695 watts is on the upper end of what a 2000 watt generator can put out continuously. In other words, a 2000 watt generator will probably be maxed out in hundred degree temperatures trying to run that air conditioner. I would think that a bigger issue might be: Can the generator do that in that kind of ambient temperature without the generator itself having cooling problems?
You mentioned that you had seen reports of people suggesting that the micro air unit would not work in hot weather. Just out of curiosity, are those people that had actually tried this, or so-called armchair experts that only thought that it could not do that? In pretty much any online Forum, there is no exam that you have to pass to gain entrance. All you have to have is an opinion.
Full disclosure: This is not my area of expertise, so to some extent I too am an armchair expert in this area. Hopefully, someone else with more knowledge than myself will add to this discussion and correct me if I'm wrong.
In addition, a single 15 amp receptacle is not rated to give that kind of power continuously. In some cases I have seen reports here of people that have paralleled the outputs from a 2000 watt generator over two plugs to get around that problem. Otherwise, you run the risk of melting the plug on a single 15 amp extension cord.