steering problems

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New member
Dec 9, 2012
Hi all !
My wife and i bought a 1985 holiday rambler imperial and love it ! We only have a problem with it wandering on the hwy. I think i have found problem but not sure what the part is called and were to get it fixed. I think it is called a bell crank. Can some one help. I hve the part off just need to get it fixed
thanks john  Back agaln. The motor home is 34foot this part has three arms and one has a type of ball joint that needs to be replaced. This is the chevy frame with the 454 motor i think the p30 frame.thanks again for the help.
Thank you richard for steering me in the rite direction. Do you know were i can find a cheaper Bell crank? That is kind of pricey. But if that is the best price than thas what i will have to do. Thanks again!
2peasinapod said:
Thank you richard for steering me in the rite direction. Do you know were i can find a cheaper Bell crank? That is kind of pricey. But if that is the best price than thas what i will have to do. Thanks again!

As far as I know, the after market never supported those steering parts. Moog is a big player in front end parts game and they don't supply what you need. Thats why Robert Henderson had those pieces specially made. If you have the only game in town, then you get your price.  :'(

Hi all !
Well we decied to go with the new bell crank. Better to be safe than sorry! Thanks for all your help maybe we might meet some of you on the road some day! Happy RVing :)
I notice that both O'Reilly auto parts and Precision Frame specialty shop sell the Supersteer bell crank  for the P30/P32 Chevy chassis, so odds are that Henderson SuperSteer is the only source.
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