Suburban water heater

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Aug 13, 2018
Ok, dumb question...just bought first TT,  a 95 Nash and I want to flush and fire up the water heater to see if it works before we go on our first trip with it.  I don't understand how the water heater works.  I know you're not supposed to turn it on until it's filled with water, but how do you fill it? The only info I can find is that it's filled through the city water hookup, is that right? Anything else I should know? I'm getting a new anode as I'm sure it hasn't been replaced in a long time.  Thanks.
Turn the water heater off at bothe the contol panel and the breaker panel. 

If you're installing a new anode you'll be draining the tank.  Do that with the city water disconnected and the water pump off.

Once you finish with the anode turn the city water back on and flip the lever on the pressure relief valve on the WH.  When it starts spitting out water your tank is full.

Turn the breaker and the WH switch back on.
8muddypaws covered it.  The heater tank fills whenever there is pressure in the water system, whether from city water or pump.  Air has to escape to make room for the water to come in, so either open the PT (pressure-temperature) relief valve on the tank or a hot water faucet in the RV. Close when water starts to come out in a steady stream.

There is a lot of info on RV water systems in the forum Library. See
I wouldn't just change the anode without looking at the old one. It may still have some useful life to it.
While you have the drain plug out, it would be a good time to flush it out. Use a wand like this:
You don't really fill a water heater.  It fills itself any time water is available from the city water or pump AND the bypass valves are open.  Bypass valves are used when winterizing to remove the water heater from the water lines that need winterized.  It is drained by removing the anode.

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