Suggestions for a replacement antenna?

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Greg H.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2012
Over the past year and a half, I've modified the configuration of my truck camper roof to accommodate two 18' kayaks.  As a result, the Winegard antenna's ability to extend upward has been disabled by the roof rack crossbar that I put over the antenna.  I'd like to replace the antenna, but I don't have space for such a large unit.  Any suggestions for a smaller, but just as functional antenna?

Thanks,  Greg
I woudl say modify the Kyak mount but as Gary said, the Jack is about  your only reasonable choice.  It is better than a basic batwing, roughly as good as a Bat wing with wing man, not as good as what I use (Fully upgraded batwing) but it's about the best you can do.
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