Swimming with the Manatees

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Grandville, MI
We are currently in Crystal River, FL. We just finished a 3 hour experience of a lifetime. Swimming with the manatees in a spring was awesome. They were close enough to touch. Really a neat way to spend Valentines Day with my sweetie of 35 years!
Great, Welcome to Crystal River. I live here.

  If one thinks that mermaids are cute, you should definitely see a Manatee. (Trichechus manatus)

Currently 59? F
Yesterday we saw the Mermaids at WeekiWachee (sp?). A totally different experience! 2 days...2 different mermaids. We were only going to stay for a week but decided to spend a few more days here. A trip to Homossassa(sp?) Park is planned.
Good stuff, dverstra. You are going to enjoy the Homossassa park. I suggest you take the boat trip to the animal area if you go into the parking lot of US19. Hope the rain stops soon.
  Stay a while we need your tourist dollars....  ;D

Better rain than snow!! I have to go back to Michigan in 10 days??
MaryAnne NEEDS to go to a Quilt Shop in Trenton and one in Dade City. I know it's not in Crystal River but I'm sure I'll leave some of those tourist dollars there.
We did the same thing last winter,swam with manatees ,some had babies with them. I also scuba dived in wecki wachi before park opened,first time in twenty years.

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