Tank Dumping Services?

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New member
Nov 25, 2012
I am the new owner of a 2000, 30 ft. Wanderer (By Thor) Travel Trailor, and don't really know much about the maintenance issues. I was wondering if there is a service that can provide sewage tank dumping for you.  Being a first-time "lady owner" of a trailor, I'd appreciate any input or advice on this subject.  My trailor is located in WA, west of Seattle.  I live in Honolulu, HI, so I have limited time to get this type of maintenance done.  Thank you in advance for any help.
Well, yes, there are such services.  Go to the yellow pages in the area where you are RVing.

That said, sewage tank dumping, both gray and black, is a normal owner job done as the trailer is used.  All that is required is a 3" sewer hose and an available sewer inlet.  "Dump stations"  are found at RV campgrounds, highway trucking service stations like Flying J, and RV repair/supply stores.  We have an extensive literature  ::)  on the subject here on the forum.  See our Library or do a search on the terms "black water", "sewer", or "black tank".
Short answer is yes, however I can't point you to them.

To be honest, tank dumping is very easy, very simple, what you need is someone to show you how and you should be good from then on.. Or just watch someone else doing it.

However, there is some danger in that.. Some folks THINK they know how to do it

Some folks have actually read the manual and/or talked to folks who have read the manual, or both.
Dumping services generally are found in areas where there are lots of RVs that might need to use them because they're boondocking and don't want to drive somewhere to do it themselves.  An example is during the annual "happening" in the desert at Quartzsite AZ or at one of the big rallies put on by Family Motorcoach Assn. or Good Sam.  The "honey wagons" drive around the various areas where people are camped and empty their tanks for a price.

Normally we are at some of the places mentioned previously or at campgrounds where each site might have its own sewer outlet, along with electricity and water (called a full hookup site).  It isn't normally something we have done for us, unless we have an issue such as a medical limitation, so I'm afraid you'll be learning soon how to empty your gray and black tanks.  ::)  I'm curious.  When you bought your RV, didn't anyone show you how to do this?  If you purchase from a dealer, they generally show you the basics.  If you purchase from an individual, they usually are more than happy to show you what you need to know.

We've been at various work sites where they have a local company come and dump for us became they don't have sewer dumps.  It is simple and painless and most people in the yellow pages under sewer services would have the ability.  There is one caution to be aware of.  They have a vacuum connection so that the fluids flow down the hose they connect to your outside valve and there can be an issue if they suck too hard and your system is well sealed.  It is best if you are there and can open the commode so that there is not a vacuum.  Companies that do it a lot have the proper equipment and just put their larger hose over the end of your smaller one.  Easy peasy. 
Here in Sacramento I use a valet indoor storage.  For $127 a month my trailer is kept in a huge warehouse with probably a hundred other RVs of all types and sizes as well as many, many boats. 

We have a gate code and drive in a drop our trailer on a pad.  If we don't want any other services we just drop it and leave.  However, if you want your tanks dumped, the trailer washed, etc. that's all included in the price and you just need to go inside and let them know or even just call them from your vehicle.  You also have the option of having it washed just before you pick it up if you give them a day advanced notice.

Call them an hour ahead and tell them you're coming to get your RV or boat and it'll be out on the pad waiting when you come in the gate (they have a forklift set up to tow hitch or 5th wheel).  No muss, no fuss.

Personally, I do all the dumping, washing , etc. myself because I don't think anybody else will do it as well as I will and I want to know it's done throughly.  Sometimes my wife likes that about me......other times, not so much. :p
Just a quick "good to know" is that in Washington state, there is free dumping at many of the Rest Areas off of the main highways. If/when you are taking care of this yourself (it's pretty easy once you know how), you can find locations here... http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Safety/RestAreas/dump_stations.htm

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