Since it hasn't yet been mentioned, and you may find it useful, here's the dump/flush procedure I use. We do have a built-in flush connection.
By the way, this takes place at either a full hook up site, or a dump station with flush water (and not a big line of others waiting).
1. Connect sewer hose to coach, install clear elbow on hose, insert hose into sewer pipe. (Definitely get a clear elbow. It's invaluable to see what's going on as you dump.)
2. Connect flush water hose to inlet fitting. (DO NOT use your drinking water hose for this!!)
3. Pull black tank dump valve, wait until flow of waste stops.
4. Turn on flush water. Takes a moment to begin draining - you'll see it happen at the clear elbow.
5. Let it flow until the exiting water starts to become clear. This could take a moment. You'll be surprised how much "stuff" still comes out at this step.
6. With flush water still running, close dump valve and let it fill for a few minutes. (CAUTION - DO NOT leave it unattended during this step, and be sure you aren't letting it fill long enough to get the tank too full. This step is just to loosen up any remaining waste.
7. Turn off flush water, re-open black dump valve.
8. When flow stops, close black and open gray.
9. When gray stops, close dump valve, disconnect hoses. You're done!
Usually takes me less than 10 minutes.