Telescoping Brushes

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I have the Camco brand brush bought at Walmart as well. I have two "heads" for it, one soft bristle for the sidewalls, and the other a stiffer bristle that works better on the roof. I've used it for about 4 years so far, with no problems.
I will have to check the make of the brush that I got from Wal-mart.  But, it wasn't quite long enough, and in my effort to reach near the top of my rv it sprung a leak. So it is dangerous to use on the roof!
parttymer said:
I recommend the 10 or so you get when you drive in to a Blue Beacon truck wash! We get to sit inside and watch TV or whatever, and there is nothing to clean up or put away when we're done!  ;D  ;D

GOOD ONE.. I like that....  Mine came is also a "Generic"

One you might think of is a window washer's brush, it's not flow through, but they come with handles of varied or variable length. 

Mine is a flow through.. But I've never used that feature.
I just bought one from Camping World and find it to be sort of ok, but nothing fantastic.  After using it once I realized that the best ever bought was from a local janitorial supply business.  They usually have better built (more $$$$) supplies that function better and last.  It might be worth checking just to see if you have some options.
Garden hose, spray gun and 120 PSI of hose pressure no need for a brush then you just blast off all the grime.  ;D
One of the nice benefits to having a irrigation dam 1/4 mile behind the house.  8)
I manage the buildings and grounds for a small school district and have this ( ) for my crew there...found out it has a soft bristle head for washing vehicles ;)  the head is submersible and I just fill a bucket up with carwash solution and have a hose handy.  works great and less work than scrubbing.  The flow through brush I have seems to get as much water back on me as the truck or 5er. No affiliation and it's kinda spendy, but great to "borrow" ;D
You are right about the flow through brush.  I am pretty muched soaked when I get done with using it.  Anyone with a better idea?
I bought my first one from CW and found that there were only a few threads to screw the hose into, everytime I used it the hose would pop out.
I replaced the cheap hose end (seems like tin) with a good brass one from the hardware store then went to the janitorial supply and got a new brush and handle.
I'm happy now
No luck with water squirting brushes or the light Aluminum ones.

Went to a Truck Supply store and got a Heavy Duty Fiberglass extendable brush.  Heavy enough so that you can put some pressure on the brush while extended not bend he Handle.
I cuss the one from Canadian Tire, the collar won't stay tight so the miserable madre either collapses or twists. I gave up and go to the truck wash.
I hooked mine up to a hose once or twice, got wet, and have used it in a bucket of soap with a hose to rinse for the past 5 or 6 years.

Works fine!
I prefer a 5 gal. bucket with wash solution in it then use the hose to rinse.  That way I don't get all wet. :)
I really like the "grandkids", two buckets, Home Depot brush & handle, water-hose and nozzle.

I supervise from a safe distance and only interfere with the process IF the possibility of blood shed reaches a high level. (or if Nana is watching).

Payment is usually aerobatic rides in the Bi-plane which is often anyway.

Cheers    8)
I agree with the others - the "flow-thru" is a worse-than-useless feature and I never use it. A bucket of water with an automotive wash, the brush and a hose is all I ever need.

120 psi hose pressure could damage an EPDM rubber roof if the hose nozzle produces a fine enough stream. 120 psi pushing on a "needle jet" type nozzle could easily reach several hundred psi at the point of impact.

My coach is just shy of 12 ft at the edges and I find my extension handle to be adequate to reach the top. The only problem is that anything that long is unwieldy and awkward to work around awnings and such

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