Tesla's fatal accident rate

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You could put tape over the lenses or just not look at the screen when the truck is in R. As for turning it off I wouldn't imagine the automaker would include a switch to disable a safety feature that one person on earth might find annoying.
I did put a piece of electrical tape over it. Now the image still comes on, but it's black and doesn't distract me when trying to use my mirrors at night. And I'm not the only one who finds it annoying. There are a number of others I've met who have done everything from dabbing paint on the lens to covering it with a blob of silicone.
No doubt about that. I've never smoked anything that doesn't do any good :cool:. And cigarettes are an <almost> sure road to lung cancer. But other folks have gotten cancers for no known reason. Like I said, it's kinda' a crap shoot but best to not sway the odds against you.
Not so. The CDC estimates 10% - 15% of smokers will develop lung cancer. However, other factors can increase the risk of developing lung cancer, including: Starting to smoke at a young age, The number of pack-years smoked, Genetic factors, Ethnicity, and Sex.

I wonder if the sex part means you are more or less susceptible if you have it more or less often.
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Not so. The CDc estimate 10% - 15% of smokers will develop lung cancer. However, other factors can increase the risk of developing lung cancer, including: Starting to smoke at a young age, The number of pack-years smoked, Genetic factors, Ethnicity, and Sex.

I wonder if the sex part means you are more or less susceptible if you have it more or less often.
That's why I said almost. And some info can be confusing. The Medical News journal says that the lung cancer risk for men is 25 times greater for men and 25.7 times great for women. And 9 out of 10 cancer deaths are linked to smoking. But regardless of disease genesis or susceptibility, smoking is a nasty habit that should be discouraged beginning at a young age, at least IMHO.

Full disclosure: I do enjoy a good cigar now and again but like Bill Clinton, I don't inhale. :D

There are a million things that contribute and everyone has a different level of susceptibility based on those million things. Some are genetically susceptible to different things. That is why there is no commonality on cancer, drug interactions, or anything else in life.

It is like everyone being born with a different length rope. Every time you smoke you cut off an inch. Will you live long enough and smoke enough to get to the end of the rope? No one knows cause no one knows how long the rope is. But one thing is certain is that it shortens the rope
For a change, I will switch this thread back to EVs!
But one thing is certain is that it shortens the rope
And so does all that poisonous gas from the ICE vehicle tailpipes! That's a good reason for us all to switch to EVs ASAP!

The life we save by all of us working together could be yours!

Not sure if I could hold up as well as they all seemed.

Let me put it this way.. They have a choice... Hold up or Die.
A "remote friend" (internet/radio) of mine does not have cancer but he does have Congestive heart failure and some other issues.... I recently saved him about 100 bucks when his door lock (A cypher lock) Failed due to dead battery and he could not get the battery cover off to replace it (I knew how to get the cover off very easily using common household tools...Worked too) Well some other stuff happened and he spent the week in hospital.. Nervous breakdown.

I had to cover a couple of radio nets for him (Normally he's NCS. Now I'm "Alt-NCS" NCS means "Net Control Station" .... OH well.. I'm kind of trained for that (The Police Dispatcher is kind of an NCS)

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