Texas Inspection sticker

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Sep 27, 2011
Snyder Texas
Do you Texan's have a Texas inspection sticker on a trailer or 5th wheel? I know motor homes have to  be inspected.
Yes, over 4500 lbs gross.  Some of us are less than diligent about getting it done.  ;)

Get it on mine every year. I'd rather be "safe than sorry" although I don't feel it's enforced too much. Someone did tell me the other day they got a ticket for no inspection on a trailer. They said cops were pulling over every vehicle leaving an event that did not have a trailer inspection sticker.
I had my last fiver 11 years and never got it inspected.  Of course, we spend 99% of our time camping in New Mexico, and they couldn't care less as long as the reg. is current.  I have 9 miles of Texas to traverse, and then it's no longer a worry. 

The thing is, I inspect my trailer every time before it goes out.  All lights, tire pressures and condition, brakes, repack bearings annually, etc.....I'm 10 times more thorough than most inspectors would be....it's my family's safety on the line.  I'll take my chances on not getting stopped for no inspection sticker.  Of course, now that I've said that, it will happen for the first time in 25 years of RVing.  :D
I can see it now, you're getting ready to launch for New Mexico next weekend, you look out the window and there's a DPS car parked in front of your house just waiting for you. ;D
Foto-n-T said:
I can see it now, you're getting ready to launch for New Mexico next weekend, you look out the window and there's a DPS car parked in front of your house just waiting for you. ;D

ROFL....I can see it too.  Or the Texas DPS chopper hovering over my house with the spotlight on my travel trailer where the inspection sticker should be.  ;D
Ernie Ekberg said:
Or is it Border Patrol wanting to check out your rig?

They do that every time I go north or west.  Usually the checkpoint north of Orogrande, or east of Las Cruces.  They usually just motion us right on through.  They never seem concerned with inspection stickers.....though they do run the dogs around it, so trying to smuggle 500 lbs of reefer might be a bad idea.  ;D
I'm like Frizlefrak I've got a responsibility to making sure that my tow vehicle is ready for the job and the travel trailer too. I'm responsible for the safety of my family and the other on the highway. So I do the very same thing. I do monthly inspections of my vehicle and pre-check of of the RV before leaving for a trip. I don't have inspection here but I do it myself on all my vehicles including even just the ATV. Because out where I'm at if I was to break down it might be deadly. There isn't any cell phone service, etc. So I rather double check everything before a trip and know that I'll make to and from the trip without failure. Knock on wood. This truck 2002 Dodge Ram with 209K on the clock has NEVER seen a tow truck and NEVER left me walking ever!
I have my motorhomes inspected and if they are over something like 10 years all they do is check the lights, the brake and backup lights, turn signals, flashers, and headlights, wipers.  That's it.  They are exempt from the exhaust testing and stuff.  We worried till we found that out.
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