The dreaded 460 ford exhaust leak

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2011
crestview, fl
I had my exhaust manifold gaskets changed prior to my last long trip. 200 miles into a 3500 mile trip my leak was back. (passenger side rear of manifold.)

My shop had over torqued the bolts and the last one as expected popped the head of the bolt off. The next one forward I wasn't so lucky, it pulled the threads from the head.

Here is my plan.  Pull the manifold work out the broken bolt with vicegrips, then tap and Heli-Coil the one that was stripped. reinstall with new gasket and new grade 5 bolts then torque to factory spec. 22 ft. lbs.

Do you think the Heli-Coil will hold up in this application??

I have the room to work to do this and it's a lot better than pulling the head.


Absolutely. Here is a quote from the Heli coil technical manual:

"Heli-Coil stainless steel inserts can be used in temperatures ranging from?320?F to +800?F"

It should handle 22 foot pounds with no strain. I have always had good luck using them.
That is my concern. The temp on the back corner of that manifold is known to go as high as 1100f. I think it will work and the low torque value is for expansion of the manifold while running.

I have the stuff ordered and think I can knock it out in about an hour, so the plan is to leave sat. the 16th and head to Ocala for a day then mon. morning head to you.
captsteve said:
That is my concern. The temp on the back corner of that manifold is known to go as high as 1100f. I think it will work and the low torque value is for expansion of the manifold while running.

I have the stuff ordered and think I can knock it out in about an hour, so the plan is to leave sat. the 16th and head to Ocala for a day then mon. morning head to you.
Well you won't need the long lens for the Sandhill Cranes around here. I was walking to the laundry room this morning and a SHC was standing in someones front yard. I walked up to him and got about 5 feet away and he just stood there looking at me. Not a fear in the world. I think he might have been expecting a handout.

I am looking forward to your visit. We could go on a tour of Catblaster's front yard. It is as exciting as any ride at Disney World.  8)
My sister usually has one or two Sandhill cranes in her yard too.

Can't wait to go see Will and Jane. Maybe I will message them and beg for buffalo burger handouts! :p
BinaryBob said:
Note to self:
The less we understand the conversation, the forecasted MH repair & maintenance budget increases exponentially.  :eek:

01011001 01100101 01110000 !  ;D
captsteve said:
Can't wait to go see Will and Jane. Maybe I will message them and beg for buffalo burger handouts! :p
Good idea, I never got to try one.

Back in the 70s there was a roast beef chain in California called Roy Rogers Roast Beef. I used to eat there often. I loved to walk up to the counter and when asked what I wanted I would reply with a straight face "I'll take one Trigger Burger". It killed them every time. Oh well, you would have had to have been there. :(
Heli-coil will work great, I have several on my caddy heads. check your manifold for shrinkage, I know it sounds odd but my cummins exhaust manifold and a pair of sb chevy manifolds have shrunk from repeated temp changes, or maybe the chinese didn't use the right dimensions when they made them. On the cummins manifold I had to redrill the bolt holes to get it realigned enough to bolt back on. should have seen the yard before I cleaned it up ;D ;D  We now have an eagle residing close by and visiting the yard....he just stole a neighbors cat for supper. :'(

catblaster said: should have seen the yard before I cleaned it up ;D ;D
Rumor has it that before you cleaned it up you couldn't see the house from the gate.

  We now have an eagle residing close by and visiting the yard....he just stole a neighbors cat for supper. :'(
Well get out the shotgun and let's have Eagle Burgers for lunch ::)
WAIT!!! let my wife get a picture of it first! lol

Great tip Will, I will check it out when I get home in 2 weeks! TY TY TY
Steve, Ford didn't use a gasket on the manifold to cylinder head, when new. I suggest you do the same. If necessary, have the manifold surface ground  flat, then clean the head really well and torque the bolts to 15. ft lbs. The tighter you torque the bolts, the sooner they will break.


I have heard that but mine had a metal gasket that incorporated little heat shields for the spark plug boots.  I think...Now second guessing my memory...

Thanks for the info!
When I installed my banks headers, there was no OEM gasket and the heat shields were mounted on the studs, atop the manifold bolts.

captsteve said:

I have heard that but mine had a metal gasket that incorporated little heat shields for the spark plug boots.  I think...Now second guessing my memory...

Thanks for the info!
The issue is heat transference. It's my understanding that metal gaskets are OK but not necessary. Fiber gaskets are a definite no-no. Not enough heat transference.

The manifolds get too hot and expand too much which is what snaps the bolts. The heat needs to get back to the head where the cooling water can carry it away. A fiber gasket will block the heat from going back to the head.

I'm actually thinking of installing a blower fan ( something like this )that will blow outside air on the right rear manifold. Has anyone done that? It could be set up with a relay to come on when the engine temp reaches 200*.


It's an Idea but the proven cure is a set of headers. The banks system Richard has is one of the better ones and if I hang on to this unit I may well go that route in the future.

Yes any of the better headers will solve the problem.  I had Turbo shop ones on my Ford, 1994 460, and they were great.  Banks are the top of the line but Thorley's are good if they are still around.

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