Salt Fork State Park in Ohio last weekend. Glorious trees, perfect fall weather. Probably not as much fun in 100 degree heat, but we unknowingly picked a great time to try the place.
We were in the very last campground (G) and in the last batch of campsites on the loop facing the road to the beach/dock. It is actually a fairly close-together campground, but the way the sites are situated, it is spacious. Very clean and well maintained.
We have no little ones around anymore, so it was a treat to see all the families walking together, biking together etc. A lot of Halloween decorations were up that were fun to see at night.
Tents, MH's, TT's boats, bikes - many were older, but not junky, and it was neat to just drive through all the campsites and see the differences in the models. That will probably be our last outing this year and it was a great way to cap off the season.