The NEW kid on the block 3-20-13

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New member
Mar 20, 2013
HI! I'm retired, single & female... no this isn't a WANT Ad! I've been wanting to get a rig & head on down the road for a LONG time. I'm looking to purchase a class C. I currently live in No. CA & am researching which state to make my Domicile State. Leaning toward Nevada. I'm THRILLED with this website!!! Thanks for creating it. I've been browsing & the LIBRARY is AMAZING!!! Lots of topics I had questions about & NO IDEA where to get answers....and some questions answered that I wouldn't have thought to ask... ONE STOP SHOPPING for info is GREAT. Thanks again! 8)
Welcome Penny.  Glad your not afraid to venture out.  As for state of residence, look at South Dakota.  No taxes, cheap insurance.  Other popular states are Texas and Florida.
Wow! what a quick response! Thanks ever so much! I'll check into those states.
Please check the forum library, we have several articles on selecting a domicile.  And welcome to the RV Forum.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  In  addition to the Library articles on Domicile, if you use the Search button above you'll find lots on choosing a domicile state because it's a very popular topic.  You'll find lots of pros and cons for the various choices.


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