The Virginian rv park in Jackson wyoming

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Well-known member
May 29, 2010
Hi, can anyone who has stayed in the RV park at Virginian Lodge in Jackson tell me if the stores are within walking distance.

Last time we were in Jackson we stayed at Gros Ventre - which we loved, but we could not find anywhere to park the rv so that I could go shopping.

we were hoping to book one night in town so that I can go shopping without hubby and the kids and leave them back at the rv. There didn't look to be anywhere to park rvs in the town part of jackson when we stayed last,  or did i miss some secret parking lot...

I've heard that the virginian is pretty average, and the only reason i am even wanting to stay there is the hope that I can walk to the stores for some guilt free shopping time! They said on their website that there is a free shuttle...

Can anyone shed light on whether this is right in town, within walking dist to shops?

I don't want to book there and still find out i have to drive to the shops and can't get a park.

Thanks in advance. :)
What walking distance is for each individual is somewhat subjective. We have stayed at the Virginian on two occassions and walked to the downtown area both times. It is actually uphill, not down from the Virginian. Try taking a look at it on Google Earth, that may help you decide.
When we stayed there, some things are within walking distance but actual tourist downtown Jackson would be doable but quite a stretch for us. Can't remember the name right now but there is one restaurant close that you need to try, especially the elk and buffalo dishes.

I will say also that the sites in the RV park are really close and nothing to brag about,
I'm assuming you don't have a towed vehicle to go shopping. There is a lot in town with RV parking, but its not convenient to grocery shopping. Its on Gill Ave just off  N. Cache (Rt 89 after you have turned in town to head north, Gill is the second cross street. There is a parking lot at Gill and Cache on the east side, but the RV lot is just east of the car parking lot off Gill. For grocery shopping you might try to get to Albertsons (or Smith's) early when their parking lot isn't crowded.

The free shuttle from the Virginian will take you to Albertsons (or Smiths further out) and to Town Center.

We haven't stayed at the Virginian (no rigs over 40ft allowed), but have driven though it. I would stay there if they would take my rig.


I don't have a toad so when I went to Jackson I parked my RV in the Albertson's parking lot.  But that is still about a mile or two from downtown.
Thanks so much, you guys have been very helpful. Will take a look at google earth. Hubs and I are ony 35 so plenty of life in us for walking - especially if I am walking towards the shops!! Will take a look on GE at the rv parking you mentioned. Thanks again! :)

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